Thursday 8 May 2008


I've had another fun idea for the Free*Style Flickr Group , I'd like you to send photo's of outfits you have put together from lucky chairs/prize camp chairs and I'll make it a regular feature on this blog.

Take some snapshots in SL. Upload them to Flickr (free to join). Join the Free*Style Flickr Group and add your pics to the group by clicking on Organize (top of screen) > all of your content > groups > and drag your photo's onto the Free*Style group.

** The main subject of the photo must be free or 1L and still available at that price, but you can also wear full price items. Please put as much information on outfit/location/poses as you can with your photo with the SLURLs - you can get this by opening your map at the location and 'copy SLURL to clipboard' - then Ctrl+V to paste it into your photo info in Flickr**

I've got a great example for you today. Crimson Shadow have 2 fantastic outfits on the lucky chair. The Blood Parlari suits (for men and women) are only available on the chair for a few more days so keep checking if your letter is there.



This skin from Unpredictable group is perfect for this outfit. There's a male and female skin in the group, they are both pretty much identical makeup-wise. I wore the male skin with my Mike Oxlong shape (1L at Free*Style), it looks so like the Steve Strange from Visage (yuss showing my age again, ooh but this was an ace band.) The likeness here it's scary - yet cool....check this out.


Steve Strange and Visage: Fade to Grey


These fantabulous outfits are only available on the lucky chairs at Crimson Shadow for a few more days, so hurry on down.

Parlari Suits: Crimson Shadow lucky chair
Xantha Hair: Philotic Energy (not free)
Reckless Mink Hair: Exile (Group Gift - Search Exile Gear and look in notice archives)


Allegory Malaprop said...

Psst- while they are by hyasynth Tiramisu, the suits are not under the silent sparrow brand.

Auntykuro said...

*grin* yeah -- sadly, those outfits are not silent sparrow any more, hy sold them to rezzables.

but i do <3 the parlari suit!

hyasynth tiramisu said...

*laughs* hello ladies <3 yes they are my work but "hyasynth Tiramisu for rezzable" super fun commission work that was a blast to do. And gave me the oppurtunity to work outside my brand a bit!

Creamy Cooljoke said...

Oops...Creamy is confused-head about all this LOL.

I thought all the designers at rezzable were sort of satellite stores there. I should do ma homework. heh :)

It's a great outfit hyasnyth :D

Lokum Shilova said...

Thanks a lot Creamy ! I think the flickr group idea is super! Yes, Rezzable works with great talented artists and designers in SL like Allegory in Carnival of Doom, Hyasynth and Draconic and Moxie Polano in Crimson and a new blood coming up Alla Ruff in Poison Candy I would love to hear from more designers who can commission some great designs for us !!

Creamy Cooljoke said...

Great, thanks all for clarifying that :D

Nivaya Barbosa said...

Oh, Rezzables. You do insist on working with my favourite designers <3