Thursday 21 February 2008

Chic Shopper

Thank you to Laura Broadway sent a notice the the Free*Style group about the free gift bag at GiGi Couture at Broadmead, I had featured GiGi in this post last week with the gifts at their Cherry Buttons location, so I thought it was possibly the same gift bag. Good job I went to check, there are some new items in there, including this Valentine heart top and cute little denim skirt which can also be worn as shorts. The clothes in this store are WOW!!


Look at this adorable tote bag Cheri found at a store in Japan Malibu called Sweetest Goodbye, it's so cute with it's badges and chains. This is a RL me sort of bag, great to throw lots of crap into and never find it again - looks fantastic on the outside but on the inside....wooooahhh! I'm talking about bags, not my RL self as a person (oh actually - I could be!)


Huge massive thanks to the person (anonymous - wahhh!) who left a comment on the last post, informing us about the Valentines Pumps and Leopard Hat free in the ::69 Succubus:: group. Search ::sixty nine:: to join this group and look in the notice archives for Gift Succubus hat and Valentines gift (which is the shoes). The shoes and boots in this store are mind blowing - I even broke Creamy's rules and bought a pair last time I was there.

These beautiful ::69:: tartan pumps are made for me cos I live in Scotland - bows, bows and more bows...I LOVE!


The ::69:: Leopard Hat I have featured on a previous post because it is also 1L in the store, but I loooove it so here it is again. The skin worn in these pictures is also in the free gift box from GiGi Couture. I have also featured this previously - it's a gorgeous Another Shop mod!


By pure chance the shoes and hat look like they were made for these teal pants and gold top in the free gift box from GiGi Couture.

'Camie' Hair by Aden in the Tuli Update Group, see previous post

TP to GiGi Couture at Broadmead
TP to ::69 Succubus::
TP to Sweetest Goodbye


Anonymous said...

YW for the tip. didn't know how else to let ya'll know <3

thanks creamy :)

Anonymous said...

The shoes are wonderful <3