Friday 22 February 2008

Blushing Girl

Nef at Ivalde is giving away a group gift every month, she sent this notice out during lightening and thunderstorms, risking her life for her group - that's dedication!

This months giveway is the beautifully feminine Rosa dress. TP to Ivalde and wear your group tag, the dress is in a sign on the left as you enter the store. Touch the sign wearing your tag and you will look so pretty.



Also, I don't know how I missed this, but the in the Ivalde Group notices you will find a gorgeous red Valentine Dress, notice dated 2/13/08.


The Khaki Zema Heels worn here are a group gift from a store called Tricolore, this Japanese store has the coolest boots and hair and I was delighted when I discovered these pretty shoes in the group notices. To join search 'Tricolore' and you will find these in notice archives, hurry though - they won't be there for long.

Hmmm yeah, maybe I should have made them a little smaller (they are modifiable which is great)

I've been meaning to do a post on these group gifts from Double Paradox but I was waiting to find the perfect pants or jeans to go with them, well today they appeared in my inventory, these light denim jeans - a group gift from [CRAP]

The cute-named 'Naughty Jelly Bean' jacket from yumyum also comes with 2 pairs of socks, you will find this in the 'Double Paradox' Group notice dated 2/20/08, (the Double Paradox group is two stores called yumyum and Serendipity, I feature these on my blog often - I adore their clothes)

TP to [CRAP] for the fab jeans, touch the subscribo sign, touch it again and go to History, option 1. These will only be in the group until the owner removes them so do it quick if you love them like me.

The next top is by Serendipity - this is part of a Syusu dress in the store which comes in many colours. Beautifully silky type texture with a twee little neck bow, you will also find this top in the Double Paradox Group dated 2/7/08.


Are you wondering where my skin and hair are from? The skin is called Buddy Holly, a group Gift from GiGi Couture. Join the group and you will see this as the only item in the group notices - again, it's only there for 30 days.

My hair is free from Find Ash at 'Plastic Magic', this is on the left as you enter the store and is UNISEX - yay!!. This Japanese store has cool hair by Find Ash and very pretty skins from Feelshy. You will find a Valentine gift from Feelshy on the right hand side wall as you enter the store, in it are some demo skins and also an underlip piercing, stunning eyes and a 'Manga' blush. As this is a Valentine gift it will probably be gone soon so get it quick.

Check this out, I love it...the 'Manga' attaches to your mouth and gives your cheeks a blushing effect, when you zoom in too close it looks like tiny scratches, but from afar - I love the effect.

Gigi Buddy Holly Skin with Manga. I am also wearing it in all the above pics, you can see slight scratched effect in this picture on close up - but as you can see in the previous photo's from a distance, its cute!

Skin without Manga. This Gigi Buddy Holly skin does have a slight blush effect anyway.

Underlip piercing and hypnotic eyes with a sparkle, (Manga not worn here - close up like this I look like I've had a fight with a thorn bush wearing it, so I thought best not)


My God, I am so tired - that post made no sense at all. Sorry about that.


Sai Pennell said...

Ah, lol. I picked up that manga blush effect thingie the other day, and the little rice under your mouth is totally cute!

The stuck on rice is commonly seen in manga, when it gets stuck to the character's face XD

Creamy Cooljoke said...

LOL I didn't know it was rice, I thought it was a piercing - duh!

That shows how much I know about Manga :D

Thanks Sai :))

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the hatched effect is also on purpose, it's how most manga characters are drawn when embarrassed. Check it out here:

Not my site, just one I found via Google.

I love your blog, by the way. You help keep cheap folks like me looking fashionable!

Anonymous said...

omg omg where is that first picture taken at? soooo pretty!

Creamy Cooljoke said...

Hi Papertiger - I took the meadow photo's at the Creator's Pavillion sim, there are mostly stores there but this meadow area is in a little corner This place is definitely worth a visit.