Saturday 23 February 2008

Party for Twittery Birds

Just in case you have been sleeping for a week and you didn't know this, Hyasynth Tiramisu of Silent Sparrow is having two parties for the group this weekend to celebrate her new releases - she's giving out free goodies. The first party to be held today at 1pm until 4pm- sooon! (perfect time for us Europeans), the second one party is Sunday from 6pm until 9pm. This party is for Silent Sparrow group members only and you have to request an invite by clicking the invite sign in the store. **SPECIAL REQUEST: PLEASE DO NOT IM HYASYNTH FOR INVITES DURING THE PARTY TIME, JUST CLICK ON THE SIGN AND YOU SHOULD RECEIVE THE INVITE IN TIME FOR TOMORROW PARTY, I'M SURE YOU UNDERSTAND SHE IS VERY BUSY!**


If you aren't a member of the group already don't worry if you don't get an invite in time for this event, when your invite to the group arrives there are some fantastic exclusive group member free gifts in store already, look under the water in the pond you will find these wonderful outfits.

The Sweeny outft (recommended by Olivia - which reminds me, I still have to go see Sweeny Todd)

Icycle Suit - feel so foppish and dandy in this.

I won this amazing creation on the lucky chair - the dusk suit.

Blue Moon Set

There are also a couple of other group member items added since I picked these up, a couple of corset style tops and some cute pajammies.

Silent Sparrow is a wonderful place, even if you don't usually dress in a gothic style, there are many pieces here which would suit all tastes.

See this adorable hairstyle I'm wearing here? It's a group gift from Inspired called Haruhi, search Inspired to join and this is in the notice archives.

The skin is the Buddy Holly group gift from Gigi Couture, info in yesterday's post.

I'm off to the Silent Sparrow Partaaay - cyaaa!


hyasynth tiramisu said...

If you would like to pick up the group party sets. PLEASE please TOUCH the sign in the main shop and I will get you an invite before tomorrows party. :) My IM's are currently exploding..making dancing impossible!

Creamy Cooljoke said...

Wow! I'm so sorry Hyasynth - I kinda presumed most people would be members of your group already, I didn't realise peeps would be bombarding you with IMs.

I've changed the post and put written it in big shouty caps too :D