Monday 22 June 2009

a non hair fair post

We interupt your regularly scheduled Hair Fair post, for a non related freebie post. Please rest assured you will be returned to your normal programming shortly. Don't panic, this is just a test of the emergency Free*Style blog-casting system. Were this a real Free*Style emergency, you would notice your linden balance drop to Zero.

Just some Freebz that I *HAD HAD HAD* to share....


Hair & Skin: Group Gifts from Red Queen (join group and check notices)


This outfit includes the collar & tattoo and is from the Crimson Shadow Lucky Chair


Boots are "Valentina" from the "My heart Belongs to Daddy" Hunt and have a lace and no lace top option from Lya

Please continue as if you were normal!


Winter Jefferson said...

Please make sure you are still wearing this by the time I log in, 'kay?

Casia / JessStarr said...

Good GAWD thats hot!