Thursday 18 December 2008

A Touch Of Decadence

At first glance this post is a mishmash! Stick with it though, the running theme is lushness. Be it lushness of texture, prim work or out and out over the top awesomeness. After taking a well deserved break last night, to get drunk, gross my friends out by eating over voice, and get kicked in the ass for not telling Sasy about a new store I had found (ya she totes bruised me too!) I thought it was time to get back to it.


Have you ever seen anything as amazing as this dress? I'm stuck on my old laptop at the moment, so I'm sure my pictures don't do it enough justice. You can get it until the 1st of Jan at The English Rose, a new to me store. You will find amazing Baroque period pieces here, complete down to animated fans. The dress can be won via an apple bobbing game, grabs your girlfriends and make it a party, with this as a prize you cannae go wrong. The amazing skin is unavailable I'm afraid, Sasy made it for herself a while back, and I pleaded in a rather unladylike manner to get my hands on it! But it goes so perfectly with this kind of dress, and there are similar skins available to buy around the grid, or hit up Illusions for some beautiful prim masks (not free)


I am fairy queen!! This stunner is a subscribo gift from my Shannon of Coquette. It's called Ice Queen, the wings alone are 10 kinds of awesome! It comes with everything, skin, shape, shoes. We are so very spoilt, you rock Shannon!


And onto another place in time altogether. The Black Canary has a new main store, and this amazing coat is now in the lucky chair. I bought it cos at the moment I have the patience of a flea and the attention span of a um......dunno, but I'm totes impatient!! Morrigan is ever so generous and lovely to talk to as well, taking time to chat with us ladies last night, although I'm sure I made no sense whatsoever!! On a side note, grats to Adi for finishing her finals, and huge massive grats to Q's gorgeous hubby, who took the last of his exams this afternoon, both of you are made of win. Ash out.

Shizzle That Ain't Free
Paper Couture

1 comment:

Sasy Scarborough said...

Simply Stunning, and I so did not bruise you "Fibber Chops" but I did scream like a banshee at you in public, what's a girl to do when hair is involved lol.

xox Sasy xox