Monday 22 September 2008

Mochilas y pelo

"Adaire, why the Spanish?" you might ask. "You're no longer in Spain and you're not talking about jamon (pork)!" My answer is simply this. For some reason, "mochilas y pelo" sounds a lot more exotic in my head than what my post is actually about...that being "bookbags and hair." Meep!

So bookbags and hair it is, amigas. This cute little gawth (If I'm not allowed to say "kyoot," can I please say "gawth?") backpack is a freebie from the newly revamped shopping area of Carnival of Doom. The heart is a vibrant shade of red and the wings are extremely real looking. Well, not "real" as in just ganked off a birdie real, but more like the vinyl accessories you'd see in an alternative cute clothing shop. It also comes with a top hat! (Which I totally would have worn if I thought I looked as adorable as that dancing frog. Alas.)
I also flew around Ivy Falls to pick up a few new hairstyles from the Exile hunt. There is a rumor that there's about 21 boxes, but I can't confirm or deny it. (I found about 14ish...but I ran out of fingers to count on so I'm not sure that's acurate!) There's 3 styles for girls and 2 for guys, but I thought both of the guys' styles were definitely girl-friendly. Here are a few of them below. There's a lot more colors included than the "arctic" white I keep showing repeatedly, but I was trying to keep it simple!
This paint splattered hoodie and antique denim jeans is a free gift in-store at Pink Outfitters.
This skin used with the lovely mochila y pelo is a La Sylphide lucky chair exclusive. The earrings are a part of the Violet Voltaire Angel Jewelry Set that is also a lucky chair score.

Non-free items used in this post:
Blood Parlari Suit ~ Hyasynth Tiramisu for Carnival of Doom
Cross Black Leather Belt ~ Carnival of Doom
Cool Shimmer Standard Eyes ~ Miriel
Gentle Brush Lashes ~ AC Aphrodite Creations


olivia connaught said...


i believe the preferred nomenclature is GAF

Adaire DeCuir said...

Gah! I didn't consult my DORKtionary first! Shame on me!!!

Drielle said...

yay for spanish!

Bunnie said...

Where did you get the skirt you are wearing in the first pic? LOVE it :D

Bunnie said...

Doh! Nm, looks like Carnival of Doom :p

Lokum Shilova said...

you look adorable in that skirt

Bella Baroque said...

*makes note of gawth for dorktionary* hehehehe. omg that last hair is the sex! i love the loose tendrils, KYOOT! there, i said it, lol. <3!