Sunday 24 August 2008

Evil Betch from Hell

I have gone hair insane over the last week, and it's the best insanity known to man!! Sixty-Nine's releases have melted my heart, and now they have put a special edition of the gorgy doll hair in a lucky chair!! Unfortunately, I was one of those terrible people who tp'd in yesterday, and my letter came up instantly, go on, curse me now, I know ya wanna!!

The beautiful dress is a gift from the Ewing group. It's now open enrollment, and well worth giving up a space for, as you get all sorts of yummy goodness from fashion shows, openings and other such special occasions!! Search for Ewing in the "All" tab, join and check the notice history.

As you all know, there is a wicked hunt going on at Freestyle at the moment, as mentioned HURR and HURR and HURR.



One of these beauties is one of my prizes. I can't remember which one I put out, and I can't log into the grid to check either!! So if and when I ever get back to the grid, I'll update the pics as needed!! Now I'm gonna join the girls in the chatbox for a party......I haz cocktails baby!!!

It's the blue one XD!!!


Bella Baroque said...

well i already voiced my jealuzness since i was there to witness the absurd luck... but srsly, cuuuute looks and great post :D

Anonymous said...

THE most gorgeous BETCH in the whole wide universe! *mwah*

Anonymous said...

The hair is so beautiful... though the lucky chair is very mean. Although it is only 5 min wait it is taking much much longer than the 30 min chairs... T__T No "S" ever appears for more than few hours x.x

Ashia Tomsen said...

Yes lucky chairs seem to not like s and o!! As our lolivia can attest too!! Ames hureeee up and get onlineeeee.

Anonymous said...

haha I got lucky too. Got there with 1 minute left on the chair and my letter came up! I got the hell out of there before I got attacked by all the lovely ladies waiting so patiently.