Tuesday 15 July 2008

Starry Eyed Surprise

I just watched 'The Day After Tomorrow' and now I feel freaked, so I thought I would do a blog post before I go bed to take my mind off it...I don't wanna to have nightmares *cries*.

Itutu is having a Starlit Sky Event, you'll find a table of lovely freebies from some of my favie Japanese designers, and lots of other discounted limited edition stuff for the event also.

Here's some of the yummies you will find...


All of these items are at the Itutu Starlit Sky Event
Free earrings by Sey
Free Bracelet by Atelier AM
Free Top by Amerie's Naughty
Skin by Dendou (390L)


Free Glasses by Ottico


Free Bikini by Kao
Free Hair by Find Ash


Free UNISEX Boots by Algernon
Free UNISEX Hair by Find Ash


Free Cardboard Stool by Den Dou

So, you will find all the above items on a stall at the Itutu Starlit Sky Event

The skyboxes for sale here are out of this world (literally). I had to take pics because they are all so awesomes. On the outside a square grey box, on the inside a whole new world...




Now I want all of these, I can't choose....


Anonymous said...

Don't watch depressing stuff like that right now, Creamy! Watch "PS I Love You"

Cailin Navarathna said...

Oooh, I love the boots and hair. <3 How long does this event last? I have to wait until Saturday, so I hope I don't miss out. ^^

Anonymous said...

Eep.. I remember that movie freaking me out for a while too. I kept thinking the world was gonna end at any minute. lol

This has to be my favorite post yet! I love the colors.

Gogo said...

Creamy, that skin looks amazing on you!

Bella Baroque said...

thanks so much for posting this! i tried to find out what this was about after seeing it on the DP yumyum website, but don't read Japanese and was so confused when I got there and didn't see a sign. Then I got distracted, found a 30min camp chair at DP where I won the schoolgirl outfit that matches the yumyum doll! Then I forgot why I was there and logged off. *pops some Adderol* So thnks for clearing all that up! I want the forest sky box!!! /me forsees herself getting sidetracked from the freebies again but oh well

Anonymous said...

whoah a post packed full of goodies - i am going to tp to each of these locations and check out the stores! good one creamy!

Eliza Wrigglesworth said...

The Tanabata event will last until July 20th. I'm not sure if that's Japan time or not.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! These sky boxes are awesome. I have to go see it NOW! Thanks for the tip. :-)

Creamy Cooljoke said...

Ooh thanks anon, I do love a good romcom, will check that one out :)

Yay, glad you all liked the post, I had fun with it :)

Anonymous said...

I loved this festival so much, I went 3 times!


Beanie Loves Japan!

Eden Knoller said...

The place is enchanting Creamy. I'm so glad you did the post vs. freaking. I cannot watch stuff like that, even when I'm not anxious. (me too). I'm more the Napoleon Dynamite type.. though I do love The Piano, too. Recently I watched Taladega Nights...though I am not into NASCAR...laughed my ass off...good for the soul.

Kenzie said...

The skyboxes are amazing...I have two of them lol. Where did you get the eyes you're wearing? I absolutely love them.

Anonymous said...

I was away and missed the whole thing! I'd kill for those rubber boots...and the kick-ass mod skybox too. They're gone forever?