Tuesday 15 July 2008

We Love The Ac Girls!

Yus we love the AC Girls!! Tons of kyoot yummyness, both clothes and accessories.




These outfits are only available at the main store until Thurs SLT, so go grab them now!! The beautiful butterfly outfit is iridescent and gorge. It comes with the headpiece shown, yays! Shown below are some more lushness.






The lovely bikinis are a group gift, it's well worth giving up one of your 25, as there are monthly gifts given out, and regular sales on full price items.

AC Girls

Hair (not free)
Shop Seu

Tattoos (not free)


Anonymous said...

what skin are you wearing? :)

Ashia Tomsen said...

Its an Ashia Designs skin Stacy

Jo said...

OOOOMGGG, absolutely stunning gal :D

Ashia Tomsen said...

Isn't the blue one out of this world! No photoshopping or ott windlight settings needed, and my graphics are shithouse atm....it still glowed!!! Dunno how she did it, I shall have to pick some brains methinks!

Anonymous said...

I just love ACgirls.


Beanie Loves Japan!

Eden Knoller said...

OMG Ash! The first photo of the blue outfit is amazing! And no photoshop! Wow. Stunning...

Eden Knoller said...

one more comment.... the hair ornament is Amazing... and there are more on the wall for only 30L OMG

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Ashia! mmhhhhh

YAY! Beanie's back! ;D

Ashia Tomsen said...

thanks girls!! And indeed welcome back Beanie, loved your first post on the photo hud thingos!!! I could kill you though, cos I thought I'd gotten over my addiction to them! And Eden, I love the store so much, I cleaned them out when they had a 50% off sale awhile ago, and one of their teddy seats has been sitting in my store for nearly 6 mnths, I loves him!