Saturday 17 November 2007

Creamy in Wonderland

Hands up who's feeling Christmassy?? I wasn't until I got a message from 'even bigger shopaholic than me' Azia Lunasea. She told me about this amazing Japanese store called Dreaming Alice. I had actually been to this sim before but I must have overlooked this one. A little gem it is, great skins, clothes and you must check out the yummy jewellery upstairs.

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At the bottom of the stairs I found some free items. This is my first Christmas outfit of the year.
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The dress does have fluffy puff sleeves but I had a complete disaster when I tried to stretch them at the same time as being on the phone. So after 20 mins of faffing trying to fix it with no success, I threw them to the ground in a huff!!

The hair worn is the new Truth group gift, if you haven't joined this must! Truth has been giving out new hairs almost every week as you will see from my past posts. This is the female style called Nancy.

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Also free at Dreaming Alice, this gorgeous gold and black Alice in Wonderland print tee.

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and this grey and black Rabbit printed tee, the hair worn in this pic is the male style from Truth called Maxwell. I think it looks hot on girls too.

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These tops both go perfectly with my sexy new jeans from Sh*t Happens, part of the 300 member group gift. Join the group and check notice history and these shall be yours.

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This loverly jumper dress is also part of the Sh*t Happens group gift, can be worn alone or over the jeans. Cuteness!

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Finally, I found these 1L chunky dunky boots from Talisman. If you didn't get my group message about this store, you have to go down there, they have so many fabby free and dollarbie items, some under the sign as you TP in and a huge wall of them - hard to miss.

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Having a bad hair day? Grab one of these while you are there.

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Oops, nearly forgot to tell ya about the Allegra skins worn in the pics, I found them a while ago in the Skin Within store at Retrology, the dark makeup skins have a real burlesque look about them. These skins were the first creation of Ayesha Bisiani, I think the darker makeups are amazing - undiscovered treasure and you can copy them to someone in need when you don't wear them anymore.


Anonymous said...

'even bigger shopaholic than me' best not be talking about my bum!

Creamy Cooljoke said...


Anonymous said...

Azia's tush is perfectly.. awesome.

Okay. I couldn't say it with a straight face, but at least I said it.. >.>