This dress is also an awesome gift. S@bbia always has cool group gifts so I wasn't surprised to see this great dress. I wasn't sure what standard size I could wear with the shape I had to make for the head so thankfully this dress also had a fit mesh option. Score!
My hair is from Elikatira and is not free BUT until August 22nd you can get each color pack for only 99L. That's a dang good deal for high quality, original mesh, in packs that have lots of color options in each.
More details below!
Mesh Doll Head: DollCoco, group gift in store
Dress: S@bbia, group gift in store
Hair: Elikatira, sale item for 99L a pack

Also, I have started to really enjoy messing around with windlights so here is a set of unedited shots in different light just for no reason but I want to. :P