Isn't this skin amazing? I feel like...I don't even know, just really freaking awesome! Look at those lips!!!! I want to make out with myself.

Hair: Bishwear, free
Scarf: Edge Grafica, free
Next, Likka House has opened a new location and to celebrate there is a fantastic free dress! Yay! I also wore the top with a cute free skirt from Edge Grafica and the above mentioned scarf as well as some cute socks. Love! A lot of the Edge Grafica stuff a lot of you will already have, but I am just super excited that they are still open so I have to show some again :D

Skirt, Studded Bracelet and Socks: Edge Grafica, free
Shoes: Lassitude and Ennui, not free
Then we have some thing NEW from Edge Grafica! I won this dress in the luckt board. Isn't it fab?? And you can buy a pack of other colors for only 39L! Quite a good deal. The dress and shoes on the right are a subscribo gift from Sweeter Than Candy that I wore for like the past two days straight due to its extreme awesomeness.

Right Dress and Shoes: Sweeter Than Candy subscribo gift
Colorful Hair: Calico Ingman, not free
And then we also have some Pop Feel for ya! One of my alties is in this group so she usually models the Pop Feel gifts, but I thought these were fun so I got them myself this time :D (Isn't it weird when people talk about their alts like they are a different person? Yeah I know huh? My alt thinks so too)

Yellow Outfit: Pop Feel June group gift
White Shoes: Sole Sisters, 1L
And finally, I have this pretty gown I won on the lucky chairs at Seldom Blue that I am in love with. The textures are super cute! There is also a latex outfit that I will show in one of my next posts, haha. (And check the cleavage on the Street Dermatology skins...KABAM! That's hot.)

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