Skin: Tea Lane, MM prize
Necklace: DM Designs, subscribo gift (there is a men's version too!)
Right Dress: Edge Grafica, free
Then we have some girl-tastic creations with an edge. The dress on the left is one of the colors of the dress you can win in the Blue Blood lucky chair. Don't you just love Blue Blood?? I need to make some money and go on a spree, especially after seeing their latest releases..seriosuly, chekc out the store people! The skinm hair and piercings are both DSN gifts. I am SO loving this DSN business. Found lots of great stores so far! The second outfit is from the Volt lucky chair, and shoes are included! YAY! There are more items in the chair too, which i won, but my friends wanted them very badly so I ended up giving all my winnings away haha. Except my other friend Isabeau is awesome and gave me this one :D Yay for trans items and yay for friends!

Skin: SkinTight DSN gift
Hair: Curio DSN gift
Righ outfit w/shoes: Volt lucky chair
Next, another place where I can't seem to get all the prizes in the chair :P Nomine has some amazing prizes and i was able to FINALLY win one thanks to the Lucky Chair Stalkers group. This gown is just beautiful. It makes me feel soooo feminine and just...*sigh* Basically, it makes me want to have romantic sex. There, I said it. Moving on.

And finally, the other prize you can win at Seldom Blue! it can be worn several ways, two of which are shown here. The fewer layers you wear the more see through it becomes, so get your freak on ;D

Latex Outfit: Seldom Blue lucky chair prize
OK, in order to not completely and utterly flood the feeds I will save the rest of my finds for another time, haha! Have a good day! it's after 4a.m. and i need to sleep :P
This post goes from innocence, to 'romantic sex' in a gorgeous gown to kinky fetish sex with latex.
Wow Sileny.
You really are amazing.
LOL yeah, what can I say, I can't stick to a theme haha
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