Sent out today was a new subscribo group gift from PixelDolls a stunning skin in various skin tones, there's also a huge 50L sale in store which is definitely worth checkin out.
The hair worn below is by Launa Fauna LF Chai , she has a new hair range coming soon. This style is a taste of things to come and is only 140L for a pack of many shades.

Kenzie & Co has given this prettyful 'Morning Dew' dress to the Kenzies Get it First! group. You will find this in the notice archives

Couverture are celebrating 1 year anniversary of the store and are giving this lovely gypsy style dress, join the Couverture group and touch the sign in store.

Finally, Romi Juliesse has given another new hair to the group, it comes with the colourful clips which are a separate attachment. The skin worn is Romi6 which was won on the lucky board a few weeks ago, not sure if you can still get this on the lucky board, but it is available in store for 600L

Did that make sense?
*sigh* now i must feed my insatiable hair addiction..
and creams.. these are completely wonderful snaps you took! really. *thumbs up* I can get over the first skin's shading either!
*can'T even *sigh* stoopie fingies
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