Monday 9 February 2009

Her Name Is Lemanina

I have done my fair share of hunts, Lemania Indigo is one of the names that keep cropping up!

I have 2 particular outfits from Lemania which I like a lot, so here they are:

Lemania Indigo: Rose of My Heart 3

1. LI - Rose of My Heart Dress for the GL hunt!
2. Bracelet from ~Aurora Borealis~, not free.

photo taken @ The Best of SL Boulevard II

Lemania Indigo: Lady In Red

1. LI - Lady In Red Dress for the GL hunt. Bracelet as before.

Suri & Katlene Again

Here is me and Katlene Nivens, organiser of the GL hunt, relaxing before taking a group photo, because, us girls like to pose!!

I am wearing one of the many free gifts avaliable at Phoenix Rising, this one is called 'Encased Inspired'. Just look out for the gift boxes upon landing!

Greatest Love get together

just a get together

Here we are all posing together! Nice legs, ladies!

warm house

Last but not least, I had a really weird dream about silks a couple of nights back, and here we are! An almost nekked guy with nothing but a loin cloth on. Lucky for us, this is free! So grab them for your men, ladies!

On Takeshi:
Animations Rising - Free Silk For Men (you need to join group to get it)

On Suri:
Silk from HopScotch, for the GL Hunt. There is another gown and a gift for mens too!


Saralin said...

Hi Suri!
Where did you get the beautiful hair you are wearing in the first 2 pictures? Love it!


Dane said...

I'm wondering about the hair Takeshi is wearing! I need more long, cute styles like that.

Suri Christen said...

Saralin, the hair is from Lamb, called Breeze!

Shadelure, Takeshi is wearing hair from Sadistic Hacker, called Vermillion, get it here:

Unknown said...

I love the red dress from the Lemania GL gift.. but I wandered around the store for ages in the lag and couldn't find it - if you've found it and can IM me I would be soooo grateful - Isobel Greenwood

Natasha Ascot said...
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Natasha Ascot said...
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