Tuesday 10 February 2009

I'm Hijaking The Blog.

First, I appologise. This is not a post about freebies, or anything close to being free.I really have no eloquent words at this time, nothing I've tried to write here in the last 2 hours has made much sense. So I delete, stare, try again. My friend Terry said all the things I wanted to say and more, thank you so much Terry. Far harder than trying to write this was the conversation with my sweet baby girl who wanted to know why the people on the news were crying. Needing to help we have set up a kiosk at the Free*style main store and also at my store Ashia Designs.

Which brings me to these. Limited edition skins with 100% of the proceeds going to the Red Cross. If you can't afford a skin, please donate what you can, every little bit will help.

I also want to thank all the amazing people who have already donated or bought something from myself or the other designers participating. Your generosity has blown me away, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Ash out.


Anonymous said...

terrible tragedies seem to bring out the best in people... such a horrible way to show our noble sides.

I'm off to buy/donate... love and hope to all Down Under, especially those who are suffering hardest - we've been through worse and will only get stronger! <3

Terry Toland said...

Aww, Ashia... you are very welcome, and I do honestly hope our community will band together to help in this time of tragedy.

To my knowledge, there are two major running lists of participating donors- that on Dakota Buck's blog (http://kotasknickers.blogspot.com/2009/02/victorian-bushfire-relief-participating.html) and a thread on FlickR (http://www.flickr.com/groups/secondlife/discuss/72157613545296657/).

I really want to participate by creating, but unfortunately right now, all I can do is buy and blog. Perhaps today I can put it all together.

Best wishes and lots of love to you and your close ones, Ashia, especially Little Ashia. <3

Digital Angel said...

It is truly a tradgedy what is happening, Its great to see SL as a whole pitching in. I am organising a weekend filled with music and shopping called Digital Angel - the appeal for Victorian Bushfire Victims. Stroker Serpentine has kindly donated the use of his new sim for our event. So if your a artist/designer who wants to participate please IM inworld for more information. :)

Sasy Scarborough said...

I love it and bought it and am wearing it now, such a beautiful skin going to such a worthwhile cause YOU ROCK

xox Sasy xox

Unknown said...

I am used to Aussies pulling together when things like this happen... but I'm so amazed at the response across SL and people around the world...

THANK YOU to everyone who contributes in any way.. all of us down here appreciate it.

Dunneh said...

I am amazed at the response in Second Life. It took me by surprise. Especially from the non-Aussie designers who are offering their items for charity. It really gladdens my heart to see us banding together like this, irrespective of nationality--especially since times are tough financially for a lot of people.

Shameless plug for Lazy Places-- if you wanted boots from here and were putting it off-- (like me), now is the time to get it as they have charity versions out.

Green Dream, thank you for the link. I know where the rest of my linden is going today. <3

And lastly, fellow Aussies, don't forget that on Friday the 13th, Coles Stores will be donating all profit made on that day to the Australian Red Cross. So swing by and shop there on Friday!

Additionally, Myer Stores have promised to match dollar-for-dollar donations up to $500,000 (the aim is a combined $1 million) with proceeds going to the Salvos. (So if you give $10 dollars, they give $10, etc.) I think they're at 700k so far.

Sorry to hijack your comments thread Ashia, =\ I hope you don't mind. I just thought it was worth getting the word out for some not only SL things, but some RL things that might also make a difference...

Dig deep everyone. It's the least we can do.

Ashia Tomsen said...

I'm actually taking calls to the Red Cross RL from people wanting to donate. There is no hijacking of comments, as long as the word gets out, it's all good. Thank you all for your endless support and sl , i'm lovin you so much right now. Proving again that our little community can fucking move heaven and earth if we choose to. i heart you all.