Monday 22 December 2008

Stuff And Moar Stuff

I should actually call this post "Eden Rocks My World" because seriously, that woman is a freebie finding machine! She drops me LM's and notecards like a demon, then yells at me if I haven't had time to go check em out.


This was an Eden find. She knows I love doll clothes, keys and everything in between. So She sent me to All Dolled Up. Follw the slurl in this post, that's very important. Cam down to a mousetrap on the floor below, and find a teeny tiny box. Click on that box and get this whole outfit for free, key included!

This lushness is from Kouse's Sanctum. You'll find it under the Christmas tree. Scuse the pics of the sleeves, I did something um interesting in PS, theyr'e not bluish in world XD! I love Kouse's gowns, they are always prim perfect and move so beautifully.


Aeons ago, Eden TP'd Q into Dilly Dolls to clear the lucky chairs there for her. I dropped in there yesterday to grab the Christmas gifts, then saw this! It's a Midnight Mania dress. You get 56856856 different corsets and tops, too many options to show here. The stunning skin was a group gift from the ladies at Cupcakes, part of the new Celebrity line. Happy holidays girls xoxo


Check out this skin! The luffley Tuli sent it out probably last year, but I only just got it now (my group notice getting issue is still not fixed). Merry Christmas to you Tuli and thankyou!! The dress is a yummy gift from the Happy Happy update group. Now I'm back on my normal comp instead of my craptop, I can appreciate Mayuki Nozaki's designs even moar!


And last but by no means least, a new store! Eden sent me a fashocon note sent out by Fandabydozie. I had to go look for the name alone! You'll find a lucky chair and several dollarbies, the ones shown being just a couple of them. I also bought some yummy shoes there and was lucky enough to bump into the designer's boyfriend, who dropped an amazing ice cream backpack on me, which I will feature in a later post. Now I have to get to work, then brave the shops for some last minute shopping. Ash out.

Hair (not free)

Shoes (not free)
Unique Needs


Anonymous said...

Actually credit for the ADU dress goes to the Lucky Chair stalker group cuz someone shared it in chat and specifically to the lovely Mari Moonbeam who passed it on to me. Isn't it beautiful? Luff you too!

Tuli said...

Merry Xmas to you too! You look stunning in the skin, making it look gooood =D I just sent out a new Xmas prezzie to the group btw, not a skin, not shoes, not clothes... curious now? xD

Kharisma Llewellyn said...

Lovely lovely lovely!!

Kouse's might have changed the dress since you was in silver when I got there. ^^

Anonymous said...

I think she removed the freeb.. It's not in the box anymore.. I only found the key in a little card-bag.. :(

♥ Abra Exonar said...

Anon, it's still there!! Below the store, there is a giant mouse and a tiny ADU box with the set inside. There are TWO fortune tellers in the store. A small globe on a table, where you probably found the doll key. And a Lucky Chair Fortune Teller in the corner, that's the one you cam down at. Then turn the cam around until you see the giant mouse, to find the box. Or better yet, if you don't like cammin'- fly OUT of the jewelry box shaped store, then go UNDER the store, to find the mouse. There are a few boxes under there since there are build rights and people unpacked without cleaning up. Right click until you find the right one. Good luck and Happy Holidays! <33

Anonymous said...

Happy Hollidays, hon.. and thnx alot!