Tuesday 2 December 2008

Glitches/Bugs, but I'm a Cosy Kitteh

SL is being a shitbag to me today, I've been unable to TP the whole day, I can only get to where I want to by relogging. Here is the perfect song for my experience of SL today...

Ema's has another ace free gift for you kittens, a beautiful wintery blue outfit with gorgeous cosy scarf (my legs and arms are still freezing but who cares..it's SL)

emas cupcake_002

These boots which also come with the outfit are so fun, they leave pawprints everywhere you go, so you can forget playing hide and seek wearing these...it just won't work.

They look soft but those claws are sharp.

emas cupcake_003

YAY, new skin gift from M&R Cupcakes to celebrate the opening of their new mainstore at Le Zoo. This tangerine makeup is a group gift (250 join fee) and comes in freckled and non-freckled version in loads of skin tones. I especially love the freckles, I wish I had them in RL. (If you are not a member of the group, these were also available in a mini hunt at the store, I can't tp so i can't check if they are still there.

emas cupcake_001

Wynter Hair/Hat from Kyoot (not free)


Anonymous said...

These boots are so cute! I've been having fun with the paw prints in snow at my home.

Dahlindah Destiny said...

what a gorgeous skin!!!

Anonymous said...

I went to Ema's but got an outfit in black/gray from one of the globes on the fireplace there, anyone know where I can get this outfit in blue shown in the pics? Can't seem to find another globe. thanks for the help! :)