Tuesday 2 December 2008

POE - The Hunt Is On, Pt. 1

*Alarm sounds*
Who's on fire??? Oh, it's just the alarm...
*Looks at the calendar*
Whaa?? December 2nd?! That's...that's...

Hunt Is On!
A month long of hunting to do..getting round to 350 places for gifts is like an endurance test... but feel this sending-giving-receiving spirit, I will be here to post some findings from the hunt, along with dear Adaire, so keep your eyes open for some nice stuff! The gifts should be fairly easy to find - you are looking for a world globe, somewhere inside the designer's store...just buy it and unpack!

Neko Ears - peace cuffs - forest eyes - celia

1. Dress: Clover - Celia in Blue (lucky chair item)
2. Cuffs: Georgiabean Lately on Crush Row - Peace Cuffs (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift)
3. Ears: Aluinn - Black Neko Ears, white also avaliable! (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift)
4. Eyes: [kusshon] ltd. - Golden Forest Eyes, $0L

GBL dollarbie table

This is the dollarbie gift on the desk @ Georgiabean Lately as well as the subscribo! Have you joined?

Clover Teal babydoll

Outfit: Clover - Teal Babydoll, not free

Clover lola corset

1. Corset and pants: Clover - Lola, not free
2. Necklace (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift): House of Creation - Mother Earth Necklace


POE hunt Mudhoney and Clover

Time for some furniture to pimp up your home! This lovely addition from MudHoney Designs! Rayvn Hynes, the designer says: (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift) "It's 2 sofa sets, one's kinda girly-ish and one's more for the guys." Along with a nice coffee table, this can be used to fill up your living room!

1. Outfit: Clover - Katie (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift)
2. Shoes: Clover - Jungle in Green (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift)

Me chills at home on a sticky donut with strawberry fruit icing topped with thousand colored bits!

Etoile tee for POE

Here is the top from a NEW store called *Etoile*. The word means 'star' in French! I am lucky to have met up with Lorrelle GossipGirl, owner of the store. Her perspective of the store is that she like to make classy clothing that you can wear anywhere and everything can be mixed and matched together.

1. Top: *Etoile* - Paix Mondiale Shirt (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift)

Piece of Candy gift

This dress (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift): was created by Candy Enoch, of A Piece of Candy to celebrate this hunt! The pretty figure hugging blue gown is a classic chinese dress!

australia nicole

Latest offering from BULL & BEAR. This is another new store I have come across, the outfit is cute, inspired by the one and only Nicole Kidman, from the motion movie picture, Australia. What else do they call it, other than Nicole?

Find Career Wear here, where you dress for sucess!

1. Outfit: BULL & BEAR (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift): Australia Nicole
2. Shoes: Shiny Things - Lola, not free

POE Necklace +plus bag

Snow! Lots of snow! Feeling the festive season everywhere, but I haven't forgotten my Peace On Earth Hunting time!

The Brazil necklace was made inspired on the Brazilian Flag. In the brazilian flag we can see 4 colours, and each colour represents a national treasure:

Green- represents the forests and exuberant nature.
Yellow - represents our Gold and mineral richness.
Blue - represents our sky at night.
White - represents our states in stars.

The big star above the inscription "Order and Progress" at the middle of our flag is from Federal District, or capital, Brazilia, and the others stars are one for each state in our country.

1. Pema in Pieces (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift): Peace on Earth Brazil Necklace
2. Black Jacket - Cafe Yui, $1L

+plus bag

Bag: +plus *Special Edition Shoulder Bag in Burgundy*, not free

this is how i treat my guests

Doesn't this pose look a wee bit familiar?
~ FrancinatiOn ~ has already brought us some lovely gifts from the Ghost hunt, here they are, with another fabulous gift! Want a globe in your arms? There you go, have one!

~ FrancinatiOn ~ SiT NeXt To GLOBE: wear me (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift)

what mole? I dont have a mole

What Mole, Beulah? I don't have a mole...

Lets kiss

1. On Beulah - Starter Kit tees, made by Callie Cline, which you can find on any vendor location. Click on the poster to get!
2. On Suri - Lemania Indigo - Lady Liberty, includes headress (Peace On Earth Hunt Gift)

That's all for part 1 - phew! I need a glass of water! Please note that I have only include the landing point of the vendor's locations, NOT the location of the globe...happy hunting, happy season!


Megz said...

Can you please tell us the starting landmark? It's not in the hunt notecard... Or am I missing it? :o

Suri Christen said...

You can start with any vendor you like! No particular order needed

Anonymous said...

how many times can the same hunt be blooged about. I am really starting to see patterns around here.

The same stores get blogged over and over and over again and then we see the same hunt being blooged three times so far. Twice before it even started.

So tell me, how many of the bloggers stores, or friends stores are involved with this hunt?

Anonymous said...

Oh sorry on second count make that 5, oh yes 5 times the one event has been blooged and 4 out of 5 times before the event started.

Seriously how many times can you advertise the one event?

Anonymous said...

this hunt semi sucks, seems to b no real simple order, one of the lms throws u in the ocean, i think the one after calla, from memory. :/..

Anonymous said...

worth doing the hunt some hot prizes
stringers prize is great
devilfish prize is amazing
pink fuel prize is sooooo cute you'll go blind with cuteness
really like risas nails too and not finished yet because of store breaks in chain but people say globes went out yesterday so its hardly the store owners fault

try it again in a few days when things have settled.

its on so many blogs because its gridwide?

Anonymous said...

I'm new to all this hunting stuff. >_< Where do I find a list of all the 350 stores participating? Ahh, it stinks to be a newbie, haha. :)

Rose said...

Anonymice, the hunt coordinaters asked various people to blog the hunt. Believe it or not, not everyone reads blogs, or are only recently turned on to blogs or whatever. Get over yourself. There's 350 stores in the hunt, very quality designers, so how about a little thanks for being able to know about it?

Newbie :D You can start with any store in the list of 350. Check out www.gridwidehunt.blogspot.com, for info.

Anonymous said...

@ WindRose - thanks so much!! that helps me out so much. :) and i agree, the more blogging the better! be grateful for these free gifts and stop complainin'! :D

Anonymous said...

I am one of the girls who help set this hunt up and heres why im involved
so many new designers out there work thre socks of and never get noticed - this gets folk in there stores and see how wonderful it is.

when i was new it was dam hard to get great stuff - this will help folk look great and not need to spend

I have made some of the best friends while hunting should it be bloggers store owners or hunter - thought I would share this with others so they can find great friends to.

most of al - RL can be so crap at times and there isnt one of out cuntirres that doesnt have its own problems, this hunt was to bring us all togehter from countries , background and beliefs - RL doesnt alway let that happen - SL should

more than anything I wanted folk to have fun, be happy and smile - so you ask why blog so much why do this wht another hunt

this is my reasons - so please have fun, hunters enjoy the gifts, designers enjoy the new customers and most of all - have a peaceful hunt

Suri Christen said...

Anon, thank you for taking your time to count how many times I have blogged about this hunt, and even MORE time to write the comments. I assure you, different gifts will be blogged; although not all.

If the hunt sucks, as you refer, please refrain from doing it!

And to those who appreciate the generosity of the designers for giving - good on you! You deserve to have these gifts!

Don't forget to join us at the wrap party after we get the fantastic goodies, at the new Best of SL auditorium!

Anonymous said...

I am not REFERING anyghing, i am infering that you have looged the same event 4 times and three times before it event started.

Can someone say advertisement? This is where this blog annoys the hell out of me. Cartain stores every single one of their freebies can be garanteed to be blooged by specific bloggers.

Instead of blogging friends and friends of friends, why not look for soemthign more. But that will never happen, becuase this has turned into a way for you all to advertise your friends

Creamy Cooljoke said...

RIGHT for starters, none of us know the organisers of this hunt. We were excited about this hunt because of the meaning of it and the amount of gifts and great designers.

We often blog the stuff we get SENT as a priority (and there is a lot to get through) - if someone takes the time to send their creation, then we try to blog that first.

FYI, most people who are blogged here we do not know personally.

Personally, I have many friends who are designers who I have never blogged yet because I'm so busy doing the stuff I get sent!! Most of my friends dont send me stuff because they don't want to feel like they are taking advantage - but actually I wish they would.

We blog things we love and of course we all have our favourite stores and our own styles, what is so wrong with that?????

Also we are always hunting for free things which are unique and not been blogged before, it's fuckin hard now there are so many other freebie blogs, you try it before you criticise!

Finally we are just doing this for fun!!! We do not get paid to do this so we don't owe anyone anything ok.
If you dont like it you go and read another blog - I'm really fucking offended that people think like this. :(

Creamy Cooljoke said...

Oh actually I just read back on the comments. I do know Beulah but I didnt even know she helped organise this hunt so there ya go.

Suri Christen said...

If I knew all these designers I don't think I would be blogging *laughs* Creamy is right, you should try before you criticise. Why is it that you don't leave us your name when you leave these comments? Nobody force you to read our blog, and you are so negative, people actually would like to enjoy this hunt! You are so rude to read our blog and write these horrible comments. Take it up to me in IM if you got anything to say.

I met some lovely girls who are so enthusiastic about this hunt they even helped me a little to find LMs etc. So thank you, girls (you know who you are :P)

And lastly, we enjoy what we do and we have a strong audience. Thank you for everyone else who supports us!

Anonymous said...

Poop on Anonymous for leaving such a negative comment! *blows raspberries*

I've been following your blog for awhile now, and I find it extremely fun, cute, and off-the-wall while being helpful!! The girls here work their bums off to help us find cool stuff!! I, for one, am super thankful that designers would be SO GENEROUS with their time, effort, and mad skillz, and set up this awesome hunt for ppl like me!

So you know what, regardless of the number of times the POE Hunt has been blogged, I LOVE it!!! :) Blog about it six times or 100 times! I'm always looking forward to seeing what the girls are gonna post next!

*cheers loudly for Creamy & Co.*

Ghanima Uriza said...

I am sorry this person keeps griefing the blog... and still leaving no name behind, I guess after all it is US who start to see patterns.

I support creamy on this... they don't get paid and they spend hours on end looking for great freebies. They DO NOT owe anyone anything, and we should be thankful, and if you feel this is not a good blog, then go read another of the 346238482347 fashion blogs out there. Good luck finding a better one that has given back so much to the sl community.

People who give such negative feedback to these hardworking bloggers' generosity should really get a life. If you don't like the blog then don't look at it, it's a free world and no one put a gun to your head to read it.

Gabi Fitzgerald said...

I think Anonymous should ask for 'her' money back.. Huh? Huh? Oh, it's a freebie blog where girls 'work' for free, for fun, and to help others. Almost forgot about that.
Keep the great job, girls, you're my inspiration, always! lol :)
And let's blog POE!

Anonymous said...

i read 2 blogs every day w/o fail, the huffington post & free*style. seems there be trolls everywhere! to anonymous troll, *blows raspberries* & to suri *gives huggles*.

Digital Angel said...

well, i love the idea of the hunt, as a huntee and a hunter. I cant wait to see what is out there. As a designer, I would love to see my stuff worn and blogged about, but im still in the early stages of setting my shop up and having people come by and well buy! It is sometimes like a popularity contest, but thats because its like old sl'rs tell new sl'rs , thats why the hunt is great. You get to go out and find new places. Me personally put in a whole complete outfit, shoes earring bangles everything. Its all about the giving and hoping you get people coming back to see what else you have. Good luck everyone and have a safe and happy hunt!!

Ashia Tomsen said...

Bitter anon,
I try not to comment unless I feel it's warranted or I'm answering a reader's question. However, in this case I'll make an exception.Your spelling and grammar made my eyes bleed, but I plowed on through because for some strange reason I thought you may actually have had some kind of point to make. How silly of me. What I read, was a bitter attack on not only the blog, but my fellow writers, for no reason that I could see. Are you a designer that we haven't covered? If so, get in touch, send us your stuff and if it's up to Freestyle standard, we'd be happy to show it. Make no mistake, we *will not* cover every freebie on the grid, that my bitter anon is what sets us apart. Nor do we cover *friends*. Fat chance. If I was friends with even 1% of the designers we cover here I would have no time to blog, I'd be too busy wanking over how fecking hawt my av looked. The only pattern I can see is we blog stuff we like. And your point is whut? If we were some kiss assy blog, that posted every fecking freebie on the grid, I'm sure you'd be the first to scream "Walmart". Now anon, until you can put a name to your venom, run along and go hide back under that rock. Check ya.

olivia connaught said...

i read 2 blogs every day w/o fail, the huffington post & free*style.

this is my favorite comment ever. <3

Anonymous said...

To Bitter Anonymous. The POE Hunt is huge, 350 plus designers giving free gifts to the Grid, who wouldn't blog it like crazy!!! I have a favourites folder with 8 Freebie Blogs that I check every morning before logging on, this is one of them and it's one of 3 I can almost guarantee to find something every day. My poor inventory hates these blogs but I LOVE them!! Why on earth are u wasting time reading these blogs if u dislike their comments so much. Go and try hunting for freebies on your own and stop trying to poison the atmosphere here. Hugs to the team:))

Anonymous said...

Ashia said:
If I was friends with even 1% of the designers we cover here I would have no time to blog, I'd be too busy wanking over how fecking hawt my av looked.

*rofl* Best comment ever.

Keep up the good work Freestyle bloggers!

Cheri Pye said...

A mixture of anger and laughter reading some of these comments (Ash w@nking =o)

Yeah firstly, I have no idea why anyone would want to complain about a hunt like this, I guess with 350 vendors it kinda speaks for itself that you're going to see it feature a lot, and with the quality of the GIFTS, Yeah ya know those things you don't have to pay *%"' for!?

Whoever you are anon, that's extremely bitter to suggest that we are only blogging friend's creations. This is something that we do for fun, there is absolutely no financial/material gain in it (unlike various other blogs), what makes it worth it is when people enjoy & find things that they might not have otherwise found.

This blog also prides itself on featuring new creators, who might just benefit from a little bit more exposure. That doesn't mean they are paying us or they're on our friendslist, all it means is that we might be amazed... even inspired to show you their creations.

My 2 lindens

lol & I don't have time to blog much anymore sadly, but that's not because I'm w@nking over my av (*snort* Ash!)

Teagan Blackthorne said...

Anon, the easiest thing to do if you don't like something is scroll past it. With the amount of designers participating(over 350) in the PoE and the length the hunt is running(all month), there are going to be many blogs about the event and they are all going to be different. No one is making you read the blog. There is nothing wrong with these ladies blogging before the event. Many blogs do this either for hunts or new releases. Blogs like this one showcase new designers that I get to discover. I had never been to Ema's until Creamy blogged it yesterday and now I have some cute kitty boots.

Anonymous said...

Ok one last thing, how in the hell is posting crap on a blog "hard work? Hmm?

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon, if you think it's so easy to blog and hate what they post, put your money where your mouth is, and make your own damn blog, with updates every day on things not covered by any other blog. I'd like to see how far you get.

Otherwise, STFU. KTHX.