Wednesday 19 November 2008

'Cause Every Girl's Crazy 'Bout a Sharp-Dressed Man

Here is me and Venturino havin' a good time crashing my friend Ding's crib! We are doing the macarena and getting pretty good at it too!

I am mainly blogging about my outfits but I could not steer away from the suit Vent was wearing.

Doing the macarena

Doing the macarena 2

Do not underestimate the power of a really flattering pair of frames, this black pair of frames Vent wears are also bought in -=about=-, for a mere $10L.

On Vent: -=about=- black suit (127L)
On Suri: *OC* Belen Dress, $20L

My shades are bought from The ROLE OPTIC, not free.


Woo hoo! Are you all ready for the festive season? Get your scarfs and mittens out! *OC* is giving this set of scarf, bangles and hat (not worn) exclusively for group members.

*OC* - Stripes Set (hat, scarf and bangles), $0L. Activate your group tag to get it, it's on the second floor along with the Belen Dress!

*OC* - Green Satin Shirt, $0L

KISS Store - Cute Shorts, $1L (part of a gift bag)

Endeavor Leopard leggings in teal, from lucky board!

Jacket: from Cubic Effect, NOT FREE. But since it's sculptie, I got it anyway! It's gorgeous!!

Rahz store Marri

Rahz Store - Marri Outfit, $0L. Inside group notice!

[/NoLabel/] - Drunken Cowboy Boots in Brown, group gift, as blogged by Cheri in No Label!


Ding Fotherington said...


Anonymous said...

must we see you on every freebie grid sl has to offer?

Suri Christen said...

For the moment, yes.

Anonymous said...


Venturino B. said...

Suri, you rock!! :))

Anonymous said...

I like Suri's post and I don't think there is anything to yawn about them ;)

Anonymous said...

color me stupid, but I'd actually like to read a blog that doesn't have Suri posting, have pics of Suri or guest star Suri. There is such a thing as over saturation and that point was reached about 5 blogs ago.

Anonymous said...

god, i'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks that way!

Suri Christen said...

Suri shrugs and laughs it off

Ghanima Uriza said...

I think burning Suri in public because you don't like her posts is lame. She's a great girl and takes a lot of care for every post she makes. Did you not leave your name for any particular reason or you just didn't want her to be able to defend herself?

Anonymous said...

I guess having an opinion opposite yours is also lame? There is such a thing as too much.

The joy of this blog is that there's something for everyone so we can just scroll by the posts we don't like and move on to the next.

Anonymous said...

I agree about the over saturation but more important if I wanted to see Manhips Fotherington and the rest of the D-list scrubs I would read that blog.

Sugarr said...

and i guess guys don't want free stuff or to look good too? I think it's great that Suri is showing men's freebies on a male avatar. Keep up the good work, Suri!

Anonymous said...

"and i guess guys don't want free stuff or to look good too? I think it's great that Suri is showing men's freebies on a male avatar. Keep up the good work, Suri!"

Except the male avatar's molester looking outfit cost 137L?

Anonymous said...

137L = shitty tux and glasses combined, my bad!

Anonymous said...

Suri is the best! Thanks Suri!

As for Anonymous, you're just pissy because you got nothing better to do then rag on someone...ultimately it makes you look unclassy and rather pathetic.

Creamy Cooljoke said...

Wooahh *gasps*, I just logged on, what's goin on here?

As long as we are all having fun and finding some nice things, that's all that matters, that's what we are here for after all. It's not a popularity contest, it's a freebie blog. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge Suri groupie and would read any blog in which her picture or her posts appeared!

Lanie Recreant

Anonymous said...

For those BLOCKHEADS complaining about Suri and TRYING to offend Ding and Vent, I have just one thing to say:

Envy is a feeling for the lowest humans and you are just showing in public what you are. So please, dun lose your time like this, it won't affect them because you are too low.

Keep the good work Suri! ^_~

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I've read through these comments and no-one insulted Suri's posts, they merely said that she was appearing in too many blogs, which is true and also seems to have struck a chord with people. As for Wing and Bent, really who cares? never heard of them or their "blog". Fact is, while trying to be everywhere, Suri may find herself spread thin,and will keep encountering commentary such as this until she learns that less is more.

Anonymous said...

Don't know if she cares, but another plug for Suri - plus just having fun! That's what SL is for. And, BTW, Suri is one of the most gorgeous Avs in SL!

Suri Christen said...

I really appreciate the comments, negative or positive! And as for those that says they see me in too many places, truly, I don't care, I am still having fun, that's all it matters to me. I'm going to let you all rant on all you want, I'm sitting here laughing.

Dahlindah Destiny said...

People who don't leave their names on blogssuch as these are pathetic and disrespectful.
Creamy and the team work their butts of to provide our viewers the best fix of SL freebies, and what do you give? An insulting response to Suri's hard work and dedication.
There was no need AT ALL for these remarks. If you don't like Suri's blogging style, then don't read her blogs!? I've never heard anything so childish here on SL, let alone a blog for enjoyment.
Many of our staff are full of RL-work and can't blog as much as we would like. I'd like to thank Suri for all her hardwork and dedication, and providing myself with some pleasurable reading while being away from SL.

As for everyone with a negative attitude, SL is a place for fun and adventure. Leave your negativity for the real world.