Tuesday 18 November 2008

I ❤ Shopping!

Black is a color that NEVER goes out, so I have gone mad today and got these dresses from Shop Luv. The store is selling all black dresses, the most expensive set only $40L, that is the NORMAL retail price. Crazy!

shop luv

shop luv

There are 6, yes, 6 lucky boards! They vary and change from 3 to 10 minutes per board. On top of that, there are 2 camping stands with 2 more giveaway. The store will keep you there for a while getting these dresses. I think 4 black dresses are enough for me for the day, good luck girls!

NOTE: 3rd dress on pic #1 and pic #2 are not free.


Anonymous said...

your slurl link doesn't work (error 404) and i don't see the store inworld search...just fyi

Katrina said...

Wow...that is beautiful black hair. I'm always on the look out for long black hair that's textured well. May I ask what store did you get it?

Thanks for the info!! 40L is SO very reasonable as a top price:D

nimil said...

i also can't find this shop in search anywhere... please fix your slurl D: i want pretty dresses!

Nat Donat said...

Suri, link goes nowhere (404 error) and like others can't find Shop Luv in world.

Gabi Fitzgerald said...

Well girls, maybe on the wrong blog lol but I guess Suri isnt seeing your comments right now.. so here's the slurl http://slurl.com/secondlife/KUMAMOTO%20JAPAN%202/16/122/29

Suri Christen said...

GIRLS! Thanks for your warm comments, hands down, I was drunk last night while posting this, thank you my dear Gabi for the correction. I have fixed the link now, hope you all go and get those preeety dresses!

Suri Christen said...

Therese, the hair is from Dejavu, you will find it in mainstore in LOVE TOKYO. Look up LILKIM LOVELL, she's the maker.

Anonymous said...

thisbe hands suri some aspirin for her hangover...

Gabi Fitzgerald said...

You're welcome hon.. I LOVE the hair too!

Suri Christen said...

Thank you Thisbe, it's the warm red wine with cinnammon that did it, damn that German market for serving wine ;P

Katrina said...

yay thanks!! Yes I've forgotten De Ja Vu must look again...