Sunday 5 October 2008

Quick! Pose hunt ends at midnight SL! And it's rad!

I *just* found out that there is this amazing hunt at Newpocalypse, the new joint venture of Jonny Dusk of 5ifth Order and Cerdwin Flanagan of BLU282. It ends at midnight TONIGHT (Sunday), so you must be quick to find the 7 "boxes of chaos." They include ridiculously awesome poses that are action-inspired and could work for both girls and bois, and scars and other yummy items that help give any avi more interesting detail. Here is a pic of the ridiculously talented Cerdwin doing cool juju to the boxes you can find there. I don't know how she makes boxes look so rad, but there you have it!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Adaire!!! It was sooo much fun~


Adaire DeCuir said...

Yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Rumor has it there's going to be a new hunt with new prizes in 2 weeks! Stay tuned!