Sunday 21 September 2008

Short & Sweet

So I'm supposed to be researching for my law journal article, but...I'm awesome at procrastination? Actually, I thought this dress was too cute not to post and let you know about it. It's by 1-800-Betty's, a cute little shop filled with retro-inspired clothing. This dress is available for $1L and includes jewelry, and the skin I'm wearing is free too. You can find both amongst the vendors on the wall. The necklace is a group gift from Curious Kitties.
Ok, I'm headed back to my academic toil before G gives me a hard time!

Non-free items used in this post:
/me fakes innocense pose ~ Slash Me Poses
Bedhead Bun in Black ~ Kyoot Army
Bella Court Shoes in Poppy ~ Fuel

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cute dollarbies at Bellissima next door.... esp red dress!