Along with this impressive build comes an array of new products including a very cute beagle avatar, those pretty little birds & bunnies that make you melt <3
They also have a multi posed wooden rocking horse up for CSR Summer 2008 which I'm sitting on here!

There is a hunt on for this gorgeous star dress which comes with a pretty transparent layer of stars that lights this cute outfit perfectly!

I love the necklace that comes with this too, it's quite unusual.. like small moons, the star socks & underwear layers are so cute too ^^
I just also have to say that I cannot take off this Gisele Sia hair, it comes with & without the antique pearls/roses... I'm excited by what this new designer Pecorine Vita might come up with next, as this is right up my alley in terms of beauty and sumptuous style <333
Also, I love the quality of these shoes from R2, to find a pair of high quality sculpty shoes for under $100 in SL is quite a task, but these fit the bill and are great if you want high quality on a budget (they include a high shine version and an ordinary!).

Not sure how long this hunt item will be in the shop, so hurry over and get hunting!!
Live01 normal skin - Minajunk ($1000)
Sia hair in milk - Gisele (2 gorgeous versions included $180)
Kahakai shoes in white/normal - R2 ($90)
Antique light heart 2 bead anklet - Bonita's ($can't remember, sorry!)
CSR 2008 Wooden rocking horse (multi posed) - HPMD (You need to buy something of at least $100 in the CSR event to claim this)
Disclaimer: Please look closely at the subject/main content and reason for this post before accusing the poster of plagiarism. Thanks.
Have lots of fun, Cheri <3
Gorgeous!! I spent so long there when I was just supposed to stop by to get my card stamped!! Lovely, lovely pics Cheri <33
I'm so glad you're enjoying all the items from my blog!
Beanie Canning
Beanie Loves Japan!
Lovely shots, Cheri! What a great SIM - can't wait to go exploring! :)
Hi Beanie,
So glad you liked my post! At the time of writing and posting this there was no mention of the opening of HPMD and the hunt etc on your blog (I know this because I check all the relevant blogs often!), Which ofcourse was the main point of this post.
So please don't come here to pass embittered and quite frankly bitchy remarks.
Do you now have soul rights to blogging the entire Japanese designer market?
If you do, I'll hang up my hat up & let you get on with it!
Thanks Ash & Ame, your comments are sweet :)
jesus christ
Thank you for letting us know about the dress :3
And thanks to CSR for letting us know about HPMD! The shop setting is so gorgeous, and the items it sell are so magical. I bought the sleeping bunny with cuddle pose and I haven't taken it off for ages, it's kawaii beyond words. <3
Oooh, schweet, adorable and yummerlicious Cheri! <33
Beanie, I am pretty shocked if you were implying that Cheri got her ideas for her post from your blog.
I know personally that Cheri is particularly careful about that sort of thing, so much that often she will not do a post if someone else has done it first.
You must have noticed from reading this blog that if we get any information from another blog we are always careful to credit our source. Of course, occasionally we will feature the same items as other blogs purely by coincidence - it happens all the time all across the SL fashion blogosphere.
It is well known that we at Free*Style are big fans of the Japanese creators, we are in groups which inform us of all the goings on, we also read the Japanese blogs and two of our bloggers are Japanese, so it is pretty likely that we often feature similar items without realising.
ya apparently taking the designers vendor pics and posting them on her blog without permission or credit equates to Beanie having sole blogging rights on the Japanese designer market of phil's place.Funny how the words lazy and unethical that she threw at me in my IM seem to fit the bill of how she blogs! But then we are all mirrors arent we.
I'm going to actually write a short legal treatise, if only for myself, to explain why Beanie's assertion is, in a word, ridiculous. If Beanie were creating the items and putting them out, and we ran in, snagged them, and claimed them as our own, that would be infringement and we would be liable for not giving her attribution for those items. There is no "expression" to be protected in posting a freebie find, particularly when a blogger uses the designer's pictures. If we copied her words verbatim, there is a slight possibly of infringement (but that obviously isn't the case here).
As far as I am concerned, no blogger in the metaverse has "rights" to a freebie find. The content creator does, and only the creator. There are so many freebie-oriented blogs now, that chances are good that at least a few of them are going to pick up the same thing at relatively the same time. It's "bad faith" to take someone's post and imitate it or claim it was exclusively one's own find, but again, the idea that the items are "Beanie's" or anyone else's is outrageous.
Yet more drama to add to the Free*Style Hall of...well, I'm leaving that one up to the imagination. I suppose that's what happens when you are widely read, eh?
Oops...I think I just wrote my treatise. AND A WORDY ONE TOO! ;)
What about the models in the vendor ads? Aren't they supposed to get paid? If they're under contract with a modeling agency, don't they get paid too? Just a random thought : )
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