teh faaaaaabulous glamouramama boa has been teasing via flickr for, oh, weeks or months or something, about a new venture called fat fannies. it finally opened its doors on the paradise isle sim last thursday with a party packed with all the cool kids, hot logo swag in a treasure chest, and a piratey delicious treasure hunt. no worries if you missed out though... cause you've got through thursday the 14th to run all around the sim and scoop up all the coins you can find; they contain fun gifts from creators like ink stain, tart art, trixi stix, g&s jewelry, dolly pop, hotbox, bp*, DECO jewelry, and the toi store. there are 21 coins in all, and some of the aforementioned peeps also have shops on the adorable paradise pier boardwalk so be sure to check em out!
(where to buy/free/not/free all that shit after the pics)

shape - hotbox, from the fat fannies coin hunt
top - trixi stix, from the fat fannies hunt
tattoos - ink stain, from the fat fannies hunt
booty shorts - dollypop, from the fat fannies hunt
skin - curio group gift (may no longer be available? check group notices)
not free:
hair - booN
skin - beauty avatar (yes yes i know we've blogged it already but someone posted about it to the group today and i liked it on the shape and if you haven't got it already, go get it)
hair - bp*, from the fat fannies hunt
outfit - from the fat fannies treasure chest (located in the club)
gloves - tart gallery, from the fat fannies hunt
not free:
skin - curio
big ginormous thanks go out to glam, alabama smalls, hiro shatner and all the vendors for all their hard work and generosity!
*pinches yer bum*
Ooof! Thank you! Thank you thank you! I am so excited to have you on board with our new adventure!
olivia got dem apple bottum jeenz!!
what a delicious, scrummy, yummy post!
*runs off to clothe my juicy, fat backside*
COIN HUNT HINTS will be posted on the <3 Fat Fannies <3 blog the day before the hunt is over...so check back on Wed. if you didn't find all 21 well hidden coinage. ;-) - xoxo Glam
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