Sunday 20 July 2008

don't say i never did anything for you

i'm going to let you in on a little secret: curio is open, and it is spectacular. there. you may thank me with pretty fanboys and obscene amounts of cash. i'll be needing the extra L to spend on every single thing set for sale on the sim. you think i'm kidding? the skins give such good nudity that i'm contemplating getting a stripper gig, and the hair is rich and luxuriant with some of the most fun prim wrangling i've seen in forever. did i mention there are eyes? and jewelry? check out the elegant vintage heart necklace (this version with a purple gemstone is an update group exclusive; it comes in four metals, even) below:

[hair - curio, holly (200L per colorpack); skin - curio, sprinkle (1000L); eyes - curio, rita eyes (45L, located upstairs above the hair)]

oh frabjous day you guys, BIG BOOTY BIG MONEY IS BACK! kind of. there's only one lonely set of dresses up at the new retrology location but they're deeelicious. the above soft mossy green delight is free and newly available in bbbm's group notice archives.

moving on, shopping cart disco's dynamic duo of tenshi vielle ({boutique}) and iris seale (punch drunk) are celebrating a blog move to a new server or something nerdtacular like that. the important thing is that there are hot gifts out at their aspire isle stores (this weekend only!):

- punch drunk's sassy colorful juno outfit:

[hair/flower - curio, psychobilly freakout (200L per colorpack); skin - curio, lavender (1000L)]

- {boutique}'s adorable sparkly disco diva gift (my hideous visage is mercifully obscured by mijn boa's enchanting dollarbie mask. get it at her viva la glam installation, and pick up some of her swoony magical art while you're at it because it's beyond affordable):

[shoes - juicy, sparkling iridescent pink pumps (500L at the shoe expo. 100% of the proceeds go to the aspca!)]

aaand another {boutique} dollarbie, the elton john shades. i confess that i have no use for sir elton but i have a crush on these:

[hair - curio, gertrude; eyes - curio, rita eyes (45L)]

words words words blah some words blah.

edited to add more words: i bolded/italicized pertinent info for those who are a wee bit more on the instant gratification side. if i could have made it all blinky/scrolling marquee/dripping blood i would have... this might be helpful too (for those of you who'd prefer plain old pictures! yay!)


Anonymous said...

Um sorry. I'm confused. what items are free?

Anonymous said...

good question, does Free*style show any free stuff anymore?

Anonymous said...

The Necklace is free.

As for the "free things"...
I too have trouble deciphering what is Free and what is not with all the wordy entries.

This used to be my favorite Fashion Blog.

Anonymous said...

Mine too but recently all I see is 5000L worth of stuff with maybe one free thing thrown in there

olivia connaught said...

considering gala and rita's group just gave away 10,000L worth of skins, 900L worth of hair, and a necklace that would retail for 375L i have zero qualms giving love to their regular priced items. as for the larger issue of showing nonfree things in general, i'm just going to repeat myself: sorry that you all are annoyed with our choices, but with so many freebie blogs out nowadays i'm sure you can easily find one that's better suited to your tastes.

and i'll be happy to edit the post to make it easier on those who skim. oh gosh, that was wordy. sorry! :)

Anonymous said...

There's really not many entries like that. I think it's because of the sim opening - she was showing off a lot of the (great) items you can get there. What's so hard about 'skimming' over an entry anyway?

Creamy Cooljoke said...

This blog has always shown a mixture of freebies and non freebies, there are plenty of blogs out there showing entirely freebies and we don't all want to all be the same do we?

No one is forcing anyone to read this blog and it's up to you if you would rather read blogs which are entirely freebs.

We do this for fun, and we like to show nice things, free and non's as simple as that! Stop taking things so seriously anons!

Anonymous said...

This anon says the more the merrier! The reason I keep up with certain blogs, Free*Style included, is because the style of the writers borderlines with my own. So, cry me a river, you have to spend five minutes reading through some awesome stuff you wouldn't have known about otherwise. (At least I wouldn't have)
I'll definitely be swinging by curio when I log in tonight to check it out! <3

Anonymous said...

Honestly...this is one of my fave fashion blogs. For one, the pics don't suck and the presentation is good. Who cares if it's not all just free can only survive on that for so long before that 200l hairstyle just calls out your name.

Just goes to show about some people I guess!

(keep up the good work peeps!)

Anonymous said...

I think that a little constructive criticism never hurts, although not sure if the other anon posters were being constructive. It would be a lot nicer if each post made one list at the end of each entry that lists the free and not so free items. I personally enjoy both (free and not free) as I have purchased a few things featured here, but I agree, the entries could be a little more organized as to where to find things.

Anonymous said...

Mixing free items with full price or even items on sale is what this blog is about, in my opinion. Keep up the fabulous work!

Leilani said...

It is not so much the Free vs Non Free but the *finding* the free items amongst all the paragraphs.

I think organizing things would make reading easier.

Each Blogger on here has their own writing style. Not everyone adds the Free and Non Free items at the bottom of photos or posts. Perhaps using different coloured text for the free and non free? That way one could tell at a glance.

With all that being said: We most certainly do appreciate all the time people take to make the blog. We certainly love the high quality and creative photos.

Anonymous said...

Constructive critcism is good, but it's not when your the lazy ones who can't be assed to find the freebies, and would rather it be stated, "TP HERE FOR SOME FABULOUS FREE SHOES".
The blog is great and fun, and with it I find so many new stores that I fall in love it!
If you even used the find button on your explorer, to search for words like "dollarbie", "free", "gift" then you wouldn't even have to skim, or even read the title of the blog!
Enough said, this is a fab blog, and it's fun!

olivia connaught said...

no one here minds constructive feedback, as long as it's actually helpful (as anon#6 said). if yall prefer a credits format like the one creamy used at the end of her kids post, i can absolutely do that. to the best of my scatterbrained ability anyway ;)

thanks to the peeps who offered nice words, it means a lot <3

Anonymous said...

I proposed to you on a previous post, I am bereft you haven't answered.

olivia connaught said...


Bella Baroque said...

First...Liv, you hoar. You're accepting proposals when you're already my closet gf. Now we are public! There I said it, quit whorin around ;-).

And moar srsly... The gals (and guy, don't forget our beloved G!) here work REALLY hard to make this the fantastic blog it is. The "wordiness" is what makes most people come back. It's the personality and evident time and energy put into hunting new freebies or cheapies and then stylizing them in photos that makes Free*Style stand apart. Plus they couldn't be any more awesomesauce if they tried! So, if you have a problem with the items, it's simple... don't read it. Like Creamzilla and Lolivia already said, there are plenty of blogs out there with just free stuff.

And... one more thought. Is it funny to you Liv that this is on YOUR entry about the extra wordiness? I mean I for one find your laziness charming and quite endearing with titles like "words words blah more words" lol. That just made me rofl a bit. Keep on fightin the Night Man woman ;)

Creamy Cooljoke said...

It is a good point that we could all agree to a format so that it is clearer what is free and what isn't at the bottom of our posts.
I hold my hands up to being hugely disorganised - it's part of my charm :D

I'm off to buy my hat for the marvellous wordy wedding of Olivia and Anon...YAY!

PJ Thornton said...

I for one love the blog with the wide variety of items that are free, almost free and definitely not free! Keep up the awesome work! I do like the format with the prices & links at the bottom of the posts though, that does make things a bit easier.


Adaire DeCuir said...

Despite being thoroughly frustrated about my inability to log to SL from where I'm staying in Spain, I've kept *reading* the blog to see how the gurlz are doing and to enjoy the different ways each blogger expresses her creativity. (I know how the boi is - he doesn't let me out of his IM sight, hehe.) The personality each blogger injects into his or her posts is what makes Free*Style one of the most widely read SL blogs and the recipient of tons of praise and thanks.

I was really disappointed to read some of the anon comments on here. Personally, my average post takes me around 2 hours, because I try very hard to get the exact location of each item (lest I get complaints about that -- and trust me, people do complain if you don't point out the precise location of the freebie). I also try not to regurgitate the slurls and pictures of what I found, because again, we get lots of positive comments about making it a fun read.

Constructive criticism is a good thing, I agree. But seriously -- some of the comments about wordiness are really hurtful. It really takes a LONG time to put these posts together, and there are a ton of blogs out there now. If reading three paragraphs that have been crafted with creative effort and care is too taxing for you, perhaps you should find another blog. That kind of criticism makes me think that in the end, the effort isn't worth it. I hope that isn't true.

*takes hands off hips and sighs*

Keep up the good work, gals. I miss you like woah, as Ash would say. xx

Eliza Wrigglesworth said...

I tried to keep my mouth shut. I really did.

I can say with experience that writing a freebie blog is difficult for me on a good day. On a bad day it can be a lot like torture hahaha!

First you have to find enough NEW freebies to make at least one outfit, which for both the women and men can be challenging. Then you have to try to match everything. Then you have to find a spot to take pictures. Then you have to find the appropriate poses. Then you have to edit the pictures.

This is ALL before you even get a chance to put WORDS to all of the work you've already done. You spend at LEAST half of the day thinking and organizing what to say about all of the stuff you found.

When you finally start the blog, you have to download all of the pictures (and they damn well better be good ones. Not blurry or pixellated cuz GOD FORBID somebody can't tell what the texture is) AND THEN you get to add WORDS! OMG!!!

If you anonymous (cowards) people think you can do a better job, let's see it.

THANK YOU to all of the GENTLEMEN who read my blog. Bad pictures and all.

I LOOOOVE FREE*STYLE!!! And Olivia kicks ASS!

Rant over...sorry :p

Eden Knoller said...

GAWD!!! NO DOUBT. Curio is so bomb... Just bought 2 sets of hair and couldn't stand leaving the rest.

And as far as you all....I love your posts. You work your silly asses off! And your taste is eclectic... classy, raunchy, "different". Extremely well put together.

I like the mix of items...I also like to support good designers with LaLa Linden Love...the non-free stuff you show is reasonable and of very good quality. I have not been disappointed. Thanks!!!

Adaire DeCuir said...

Yay, Eliza! That is exactly how it goes for me too. Super appreciate the comment love as a fellow blogger & lover of the Liv posts. xx

Creamy Cooljoke said...

Olivia came up with a great idea yesterday, we should start a new blog called "Shit You Can't Afford!!"


Anonymous said...

I think it's important you concentrate on what you're happiest doing, not putting out what you *think* other people want. Having a few Waldorf and Statlers around are a sign of success... hell this site is the most popular freebie blog out there so you must be doing something right. Don't ever change!

Adaire DeCuir said...

Good to see some folks show some love. I mebbe not retire in protest, then. I mebbe contribute mucho to "Shit you can't afford" and "Shit you can't have because my designer friend made it for me cuz I'm so rad, neener neener" and...lemme think....


But in all seriousness, thanks to those who are writing with support. Like many have said, yes, it is very time consuming, and yes, we do it out of love, and yes, it sucks terribly when someone whines instead of offering constructive criticism. For example, someone had mentioned awhile ago to please post the prices of the regular priced items, and I think most of us have been pretty good about trying to do it whenever possible. That's constructive criticism! Yuss!

Anyway, I'm sure everyone can tell how much I miss SL and blogging based on my epic-length comments, so I think I'll get off my arse and find an Internet cafe in hopes I can actually communicate in Spanish effectively enough to make it happen so I can get on SL for an hour or two, lol.

Peace, love & freebies, biatchipoos! xx

Bella Baroque said...

Can I be the minister at your wedding? I promise not to make the ceremony extra wordy!

Calista Janick said...


I've been reading this blog for a verrry long time lol, before a lot of the bloggers on it were even on it, anyway it has changed a lot, and I think the problem most of the anons have on here is that a lot of the freebies are sometimes unclear, as I saw in one post (I'm not sure who posted it anymore) Someone blogged a pair of boots, it was the only free thing in the picture, and they were completely cut off in half.

There are a lot of things of course, if you don't like it don't look lol, but you have to remember why you made the blog in the first place, i thought that "Creamy and Co show you how to look for (mostly) free" meant stuff for 0L or 1L, not stuff with 3k worth of lindens and a pair of free sunglasses...

Anyway You guys do do a great job,(It inspired my friends and I to begin our own blog) but because this is a freebie blog people expect to see actual free things.

But Kudos to the work and sometimes the wordiness is great but don't forget who you're trying to reach and why you started the blog :)