I am completely convinced that pop music groups should be held liable for Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress when they release piss poor songs that are infectiously catchy and can lodge themselves in your brain like those worm thingies in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. (Gawd, thinking about that still gives me the heebie geebies and I saw it like 15 years ago.) The Pussycat Dolls' latest song entitled "When I Grow Up" falls squarely into this category. Normally, I fastidiously avoid any kind of media that would subject me to these sorts of songs. At least I try to without being unabomber-ish.
But then...there was "So You Think You Can Dance." As a rule, I watch very little tv and there's a pretty good reason for this. Whenever I see a tv, I get sucked into whatever is on. I could be walking in a mall daydreaming and happily glancing at shoes in store windows, but if I encounter a television in my line of sight, I'll most assuredly stop dead in my tracks, mouth unattratively agape, and gawk at it while people bump into me. Anyway, I happened to catch a few minutes of this show and promptly got...of course...sucked in. While watching, the Pussycat Dolls came prancing onto the stage singing this gawd awful song with this part that goes "HA HA HA HA!"
Head Honcho Pussycat Doll: Now I've got a confession...
Her Pussycat Doll Posse: HA HA HA HA! [With movement of their heads akin to bobblehead dolls. Maybe that's where the "Doll" part of the group's name comes in.]
HHPD: When I was young I wanted attention...
Bobbleheads: HA HA HA HA!
HHPD: And I promised I would do anything...
Bobbleheads & Adaire: HA HA HA HA!
Yes, it's stuck in my head. I was hoping that a good old-fashioned hunt would distract me to get it out, but as witnessed by my epic-length tangent above that has absolutely nothing to do with freebies, it didn't quite work out that way. But! The Trey Dope hunt is completely rad, and I totally owe Express Zenovka of Men's Second Style for the heads up. By the way, Express has a rather handsome face, isn't scrawny, and isn't too short. He'll know what this means. HA HA HA HA!
The hunt information card says that finding all 18 hidden pills is "the prescription for the patient addicted to shopping." (Unfortunately it did nothing for the HA! x 4 issue.) The Closet, DP Serendipity, and Lotta are all participating, and there are 6 pills in each of the three brand-new sims. TP into any sim to start swallowing them up between now and June 24th.
I think I look pretty addicted to shopping skipping around with these Lotta bags (complete with pose), "Flower Earrings" from The Closet, and a DP Serendipity tank from the hunt.
And I'm wicked excited to announce that Aemilia Case has put out four more dollarbie hairstyle that you can pick up - two for the chicas and two for the muchachos - in every color! It's no secret that Philotic Energy is my favorite store for hairz, and to be able to slap on "Rebel" if I'm feeling like a redhead or "Jet Black" if I'm feeling a little dark and mysterious, all for a mere $1L, is lurrrrve. I'm wearing the "Gale" style in all of these pictures. HA HA...no, wait! Must resist!
Some of the poses used in this post are from 5ifth Order's "Philotic Energy" set that are located within Philotic Energy on the first floor. These are superfantastic for not only showing off your new 'do but your new clothes too without warping you to look like an uncomfortable pretzel with dislocated limbs ($100 each or $499 for a pack).
The spunky red shorts are a group freebie from Twosome, but hurry to snag it because it's about to poof (and there's a free tee in there too). The flip flops are $0L from J7L Designs and are a really nice basic to have for your summer wardrobe. The shop also has a cool belt buckle for free that has been enlarged so you can find it. The free "Salt Water Taffy" bangles are from Fresh Baked Goods and the tanned "Emily" skin in Sultry is by Tuli ($1,000L).
This sunny little knit 'kini is from one of the particularly tasty pills hidden in The Closet. The "Friendship Bracelet" is a lucky chair gift from EarthStones. The "Whale Tail" necklace is among some free gifts from Earthsong Creations. Now where I come from, "whale tail" usually means something completely different, but the necklace is kyoot just the same.
We don't usually show furniture and whatnot, but the Lotta rug and pose pillows from the hunt was too kyoot not to. The *Sisters* "Purple Heart" tank is freebie from the I (that heart symbol it won't let me type) Starlust group. The jewelry set is free from W&Y and available here. The Sinistyle Hair Rose is available for $100L and the denim cutoffs are from the StEaMpUnKt collection that just debuted at Nomine (not free).
This "Audrey" dress is in one of those little DP Serendipity pills and is quite chic with the included gloves. The shoes are free from Allesse that I blogged previously and ones I will probably continue to wear for a loooong time.
The attempted smile looks more like a grimace, and strangely enough, this is exactly the kind of face I would make if I discovered I was floating away on a balloon. That "oh, greaaaat" face. There are lots of balloons included within the hunt gifts. Seriously. Lots. I cannot discern why this is, but hey - you too can float away on a balloon. Or four. HA HA...!
This kyoot stripey halter is a recent subscribe-o-matic gift from Dutch Touch. For those of you who like to blow lindens on gorgeous clothes, check out Iki Ikarus' (the designer behind Dutch Touch) collaboration with the talented Maitreya design team that took three months to create, M*A*ii*K*I. I have never seen such flawless design in SL, and I'll probably get slammed for saying that, but seriously - it's pricey but it's really, really breathtaking. I'll get a picture up at some point soon of the gorgy dress I picked up.
And yes, what post would be complete without a little goofyness with the Schmoopinator. This "friends" pose set from Lotta is rather like the prancing of the Pussycat Dolls, actually. The top is a Free Speerit group gift that Creamy blogged about and was included in a box entitled "Unreleased items." The "Paris" shorts are free from *AnnaH* Couture and come in four colors. There are loads of freebies and dollarbies there, so it's worth checking out. G has on an outfit from Italia Vera that he just blogged below.
If anyone knows the cure to my HA!s issue that doesn't involve whacking myself over the head with a blunt instrument, please let me know. I'm not sure how much more I can take! I do know that no matter how much I like dancing, I'm not watching that "So You Think You Can Dance" show ever again. Damn you, bobblehead cats.
P.S. To those who are also in the legal profession, please note that the IIED claim I'm pretending to propose is really just one of those outrageous ideas I like to foist upon readers. I know that IIED has nothing to do with bad songwriting, but Torts would have been a lot more entertaining if it did.
P.P.S. I know I promised a reader pictures post, and deliver it I shall once I recover from the HA!s.
P.P.P.S. Coming soon...the "Ask Adaire Any Question" post. Yuss, you can send me an IM with any question at all and I shall attempt to answer it. What's the point? There is none. Isn't it glorious?
P.P.P.P.S. Fin.
Don't you just wanna bite yourself when those grooves take over your brainwaves!?!
I'm still jiving to RuPaul! lol
Great finds, Adaire! :)
YUSS! That is precisely what I want to do! And that doesn't sound overly healthy and whatnot. But I think a new song just entered my brain, rofl!! xx
You better work
Do A twirl
I has many many songs to put een your brain preety one!! awesome pics, I NEED those teeny shorts...hawt!
Oh I thought the hunt finished yesteday YAY, I haven't missed it after all
Another phenomenal post. I know just how hard you worked on this one and although I wanted to steal you away from it I am glad I let you push through. Your writing always puts a smile on my face. Now get some sleep!! lol
This is why I don't listen to the radio these days. Piss-poor songs fill it up alongside irritating talk shows.
Anyways, my suggestion is to listen to one catchy song that you really like on repeat while doing work. Or find a new catchy and upbeat song and try to learn the lyrics. I recommend Tenacious D's "Tribute", Liam Kyle Sullivan's (aka Kelly) "Let Me Borrow that Top", and Re-Flex's "The Politics of Dancing".
PS -- At DP Serenity in the back room on the left there are some freebies...2 black shirts and a set of three stockings, that are the cutest ever.
Im sorry -- its the room on the right...
Thanks, Green Dream! *goes to download those on iTunes* And yay, Ash!! I need an arsenal, apparently. Glad that some folks don't seem to mind the length of my musings. [grinz]
*Rofls at the Kelly song Green brought up* OH EM GEE i love Kelly, i need to give him...rrrr....her a listen again
YOOOOUUUUUUU make me laugh! omg but thanks for making me you tube that evil song, since i thought i'd heard it once but quickly changed the channel. now i am battling HA's and seeing RL bling when i close my eyes. awesome.
greaaaat finds and thanks for the end date n the hunt. like creamy, i forgot about it and assumed i missed the goods! WOOT!
oh p.s. i was watching "Legally Blonde" on MTV, where they are auditioning for the new Elle Woods. when one very gay and fabulous vocal coach extrodinaire was talking about how the girls had better work together at home and not poop out on each other and go to bed, he said something to the effect of "no one better pull a biatch. it will be a biatchary". i thought of you girls.... in the best way of course :)
*updates Dorktionary with biatchary*
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