丸いバルーンなワンピを3点紹介します^^まずはPopfeelのグループギフトです。このドレス、毎月かわいい色違いがグループ通知で送られてきます。それからこちらのカサは私のお気に入り。最近色々なところで目にするカサですが、やっぱりyaman shopのカサが一番好きです。丸さといい、柄の部分や持つところの形が本当に良く出来ています。4本入りでL$7とい破格なのも魅力なのです^^
Dress - Popfeel (group gift)
Hair - AOHARU (L$280 for the pack of 4 colors)
Skin - minajunk (L$1000)
Umbrella - yaman shop (L$7 for the pack of 4 colors)
Dresses in Black and Blue - Cattleya (free)
Hair - AOHARU (L$280 for the pack of 4 colors)
Skin - Blowpop (free)
Shoes - Juicy (L$500)
Umbrella - yaman shop (L$7 for the pack of 4 colors)
Red Crescent Moon with animated sit pose - Apple Pop (group gift in store)
Miu <3 These finds are so absolutely gorgeous, and your photos are lovely too!
Thanks for sharing them x
I lurrrve that moon picture, Miu!! <3
that moon piccie, OMG stunning!!! great post :)
When did that blowpop skin come in group notices? it's amazing.
I loooooove <3333
Great finds Miu :)
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