Thursday, 12 June 2008

Approach the Sn@tch with Caution

To: Free*Style Reader

From: Free*Style HQ

RE: Sn@tch Freebie (available until Friday at midnight)

Security Level: TOP SECRET

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to sneak into Sn@tch between now and 23:39 SL this Friday and obtain the Sn@tch logo tank and bikini pictured below. You must find the 'kini somewhere in the store and you must not seek assistance. If you ask anyone where it is or try to interrogate the models, the mission will fail. The eye in the sky will be watching you at all times.

When you obtain the free 'kini, you must get out of the store without disclosing to anyone its location. Doing so will risk grave injury to yourself and future missions. Upon completion of this mission, you may don the kini and frolic at your nearest beach or pool.

Rememeber: all Free*Stylers and others who enjoy freebies are depending upon you to complete the mission successfully!

This message will self-destruct when you click the slurl to the store.

Free*Style HQ out.


Gecko Gorilla said...

KSSSHT "Copy that HQ. I have located the LZ and will be going in HAWT, OVER" KSSSHT

Anonymous said...

sooo funny! I always fancies myself as the female Tom Cruise! LOL

*mission accomplished* YAY!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Your wording is great. Much nicer than the usual threats one receives of permanent bans and having one's ass kicked etc when landing at the shop or in group notices from that store. Perhaps she might learn from your clever use of words in the future instead of being so abrasive. Kudos!

Ashia Tomsen said...

i would complete the mission if I could get over how ridiculously hawt you look. I think I'll just keep this page open for an hour or 2 XD!!!

Anonymous said...

Nicer Anon? Give me a break! Obviously you are one of the "freebee brats" (and trust me, I'm being nice here) that slams into me while I am shopping because they are in such a hurry hit and run every free offering out there, yells "where is the free stuff" and whines when it its not right at the rez point. As far as "that store" goes SN@TCH (you know like that thing betwen your legs) provides a fun alternative store packed with interesting people, live models to help you find stuff, free items and specials every week. If your don't like it you don't have to show up grandma.

Ivey Deschanel said...

Weeeeee...I'm abrasive! Exactly what I was going for. That must be why I give so much stuff away and have such fantastic return customers. Next time the in-store models are harrassed AND threatened in their IMs over a freebie, I'll be sure to tell them your suggestion. LOL get a sense of humour and you might want to use your real name if you want anyone to take you seriously. Or maybe you're afraid of being banned.

Anyways, thanks to everyone who appreciates MY sense of humour and who follows the rules of my promotions. You're all adored. And thank you anonymous said, great post! Though I hate agreeing with him/her. Must be my abrasiveness.

Creamy Cooljoke said...

Ivey's got a wicked sense of humour and she doesn't pussyfoot around. It's her store, she doesn't want rude people there and that's it, anyone who does it will be banned - simple! Nothing wrong with being abrasive if you have experienced the crap that she has.

Ivey started off with a lighthearted request for politeness in her store and many people still ignored this...tougher action and no tolerance is what was required.

Mission Accomplished!

Anonymous said...

I love the Ive´s style clothes and she has a good was a joke.

Bella Baroque said...

*sings to herself* No no drama. You don't want no drama!

Adaire rocks, Ivey rocks, free*stylers rock, yous guys rock...

GrrrrrrrrrEAT post silly leetle Adiface <<<<3333

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with anon. I was there an hour looking and when I finally risked asking the help for help, I was banned. This was after and hour of looking, not bumping into anyone. Not being a greedy freebie brat but rather a paying customer there who has shopped and spent money on numerous occasions. I will never go back.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure she doesn't mean it to sound so threatening but then maybe she does. I don't shop there really, the lag is insane and I find the styles unappealing and it isn't worth the hassle for a cheap looking freebie sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about all this, stop arguing. Look at the lovely bathing suit by Artilleri, group gift. Don't have to fight a swarm of freebie huntards or be banned for asking for help. The quality is uncomparable as well as the sim being gorgeous. Next!

Anonymous said...

hmmm... I often have to wonder how spoilt some people really are in RL? I have a great life, but I hardly ever get something for nothing!
That's one of the crazy, wonderful, appealing things about SL... makes me wanna hug the whole wide virtual world! ;)

Anonymous said...

People act like the freebies are forced upon them. If you don't like them don't go the store. Its pretty simple.

Rules are rules and if you broke them you got banned. Stop bashing Ivey because you're no longer allowed in a place you're claiming to not like anyway. Blame the jerks that caused the rules to be so harsh.

Anonymous said...

Also banned for asking for help after being in the store for well over an hour and I did not ask for help out loud. Treated very badly.

Creamy Cooljoke said...

I totally agree with what Vala says, blame the folks who caused these rules, NOT Ivey!

....and I now declare this blog, a MOANING/DRAMA FREE ZONE!