Thursday 7 May 2009

Imma Curious Kittie!

Hellos! I logged on this morning to the great news that Curious Kitties is having a week long sale and tiki event. Now, imma girl that LOVES a sale, but as I kept reading and saw the words PRESENT TREE and was instantly in teleport! The first thing I saw was a sort of present lottery (for lack of a better term). You pay 50L and pick your tiki!

curious 4

Inside mine, I won a lovely green corset shirt and a REALLY cool wooden kittie mask! The present tree is amazing! I won the bracelets shown here, as well as the belt and the necklace (which you can't see, but is gorgeous... trust me!)

curious 1

I won this Female Warrior Outfit, which came with the top, bottom, sandals, bracelets, and necklace!!! All in one present! Also shown in this pic are eyes from the Curious Kitties freebie wall!

curious 3

Last but not least are these fun and funky boots, which are a group gift on the freebie wall. Just wear your group tag and touch for the gift!

curious 2

Have fun grabbing up the pressies, but hurry cause this is a limited time party!
<3, Cas

other stuffs
hairs worn- Magika (not free)
skin- tuli- kalista gift, blogged all overs :D
pants (in pic 2)- ay yai yai (1L in a party hat for her bday hunt... goes til the 15th)

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