Thursday 7 May 2009

fashion at chuculet

Hello my name is: Chuculet
And I give free fashionista a heart attack.

I came across this store when I was thrown the baton in the Fashion Relay.
I was struggling to find what I wanted to blog, and I love a challenge, so finding this store was great.
and when I got there, I started hyperventilating, teleported Clara and bought everything.
this is what I love about SL.
It's so amazing what you can find, and this store is so generous.
I really suggestyou all take time, check it out and BUY. Donate. Whatever. It's designers like this that keep people stylish and on a budget.

Oh, and you'll probably come home with change if you take 50L from you SLboyfiee's manpurse.

Let's start with the inset list.
This store is small. But it's walls are filled.
These shoes are just a small selection of what is available. Yes, heels, flats. There are even sandals for men. Different styles, colours, heights. They're the perfect addition to anyone's shoe wardrobe, and the perfect price. The flats come in fatpacks. So, you'll get like, four pairs for 4L etc. The floral heels come with an ankle attackment, to make them a twine-encircled shoe. But I suck at rezzing stuff and editing, so I just shoed the actual shoe.
The braclets are what I'll be featuring in my Fabulous Fashion post. Yes. I know. Freaking awesome, huh!? And yes. 1L. There are several styles, and you get both left and right arms. Yes, I know. Theyre freakin awesome.
The earings? They match the necklace in the next picture. They come in a set. And yes, Only cost a 1L. And there is more than one colour.


Sunglasses. There are two styles. And, 1L also.
Earings and Necklace set, comes in a variety of colours.

You can also pick up some great shapes at the store, some men's braclets and other shoes!

Check it out!!

Get fashionable at Chuculet

I'll be posting my Fashion Relay post as soon as I take some pics and pull together some sexy outfit opetions.
Keep your eyes open and on the blog

Other Items worn:
Shirt: Mexican Blouse from The Closet (Not Free)
Skin: Curio (not free)
Hair: MadDesigns (Not free)

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