Also (and I have no idea how old or brand-spanking this news is), for some reason, it appears that all of the AOs at the ANA_Mations store here are now free (several to choose from; just be sure to read the NC re: how to load it -- basically, you "Add" the AO + wait for the Default notecard to finish loading; then just click "Menu," "Load," and then [the name of the AO]). -- This is a crazy boon for any new avis; even us oldbies must admit that some of the anis in these AOs are quite cute.
Boyish charm love + fashionista kisses to all!
Teshan2222 Wycliffe
Scarf: ::C'est la vie !:: - Oivi neckwarmer - group gift (join group for $0L; touch sign - more group gifts here + 2 lucky boards) - free
Hair: CATWA HAIR @ Biker's Fair - Zoey [C] (unpacked) - find/buy 3 different color packs of this hair in random stores thruout the fair for $0L each; look for the "CATWA" mini-display - free
Top: ArisAris @ Biker's Fair - AA88 Rose Nailed Top - buy purple gift (another $1L gift here also) - $1L
*NOTE: for those who don't like the exposed side boob/open back look, you can get more a demure, white cross-back top that also goes nicely with these workout capris at WICKED; just grab the Sylvi - Tank Top (White) group gift (join group for $0L; touch gift box on wall) - free
Drawstring workout capris: FLG - Capri Short Valentine Day XS (*NOTE: this is a men's gift, but I wore the "S" size + it didn't seem overly large) - group gift (join group for $0L + touch signs on wall; another women's gift here also) - free
Shoes: Pure Poison - Be My Half Pumps - Fucsia - Slink High (group members each get 1 $0L gatcha spin (for 1 pair of free shoes); just join the group for $0L + choose which type of feet you want (SLink, Belleza, etc.); many more group gifts here) - free
*NOTE: for those SLink holdouts who still don't own a pair of mesh feet, you can get a pair (these come attached to blue strappy stilletto shoes) as a free group gift here!
Ring: *AvaWay* @ Marketplace - Ring #4 Jewelry R (resizable) - free
Beaded hoops earrings & bracelets (texture change): Maxi Gossamer - MG - Bracelets and Earrings - Summertime Easy Living - V2 - group gift (join group for $0L; touch sign at entrance) - free
Gloves: Gabriel - ::GB:: Studded Gloves / Black - group gift (join group for $0L; touch sign) - free
Pearl-studded clutch purse: Gabriel - ::GB:: Pearl Box Clutch - group gift (join group for $0L; touch sign) - free
Angel wings' tats (sorry you can't seem them in this pic, but they so go with this look): [HUZ] @ Marketplace - Angel-Freebie - free
Gold ipod (*NOTE: this is a much older gift, but 1 of my enduring faves + still available): RYCA - [GIFT] NECKLACE-MP3 GOLD [F] - buy sign on wall for $0L - free
Pose: Le Poppycock - this particular pose was not free, but for a nice $0L set, grab the Freebie Poses in the paper bag w/ black bowtie (in the back gifts section) for free!
Eyes: IKON - Sovereign Eyes - Field (ML) - paid VIP group gift - free
Hip chain: Maxi Gossamer - Hip Belt - Liliane - Curvy - Simple - GOLD - V1 - previously free
Skin: Essences - {LadyDyvine} Medium01 *brunette* cleavage; worn with Essences - Teeth Layer - previously free