For the more experienced hunters out there, the Grumble SIM is hosting an event that this city girl can appreciate: a hunt with zero hints + imbued with a dry sense of humor, where you're rummaging around in dark subway tunnels to actually seek out the vermin, in the form of white rats (yes, rats!) -- each containing an assortment of fun prizes for both men & women. I was hoping to find the sky blue mustached necklace on chunky pearls prize (never found it, bah) but still felt lucky to find the black & yellow heart ring (that you can see in both the 1st & last photos here) instead. For those less ambitious, there's a gangload of lucky chairs + camping (remember camping?) in the main subway station too. Why not park your avi to get these red suede lucky chair boots + let your more ambitious friends scout out the prize locations? Hey, there are worse ways to fritter away an afternoon.
Speaking of frittering, there's nothing like a li'l virtual home decor styling when you're procrastinating RL work. Hehe.

Hope everyone's new year has kicked off to an unexpectedly fortuitous start! Unexpected finds love + fashionista kisses to all!
ღTeshan2222 Wycliffe
1st 2 pics:
Hair: TRUTH HAIR - Group Gift 30 Nov 2013 - Fernanda - subscribo gift (click "Join Group" on any terminal, History, 4) - free
Skin: Essences - Emma Gift - doux *brunette* - buy sign on wall behind desk for $0L - free
Striped fedora hat: Styles by Danielle - Fedora Graphite Striped Hat R - Formal Flair Hunt prize - find/buy black bowtie - $1L
Dark wash denim jeans: *COCO* - Gift_SkinnyJeans - join group for $0L; touch sign (NOTE: many more gifts here) - free
Sweater: *COCO* - Gift_TurtleneckSweater_S - join group for $0L; touch sign - free
Black "love" script heart necklace: {Mango Cheeks} - Love Necklace: Black - subscribo gift (when I was there, it was click subscribe, and then either 1, 2 or 3) - free
Rabbit toy: {Mango Cheeks} - Bun Head Warmer: Bearbbit - VIP group gift (join group for free, check Notices) - free
*NOTE: this store's VIP group join was free when I visited (Saturday); I don't believe this is the usual case, so just double-check before you join!
Heart necklace (color change): Malt - .:MALT:. Fashions - Group Gift- Loveable Necklace - Color Change - subscribo gift (NOTE: click same subscribo multiple times to get different gifts; this gift is included in a bigger group of gifts) - free
Purse: Malt - .:MALT:. Fashions - Group Gift- Fashions HAND BAG - PARIS PINK - subscribo gift - free
Boots: Grumble - LC-Colorado Boots-Red - lucky chair prize (many lucky chairs here) - free
Jacket: Ricielli - LOVE MOMMY hunt - item#20 (NOTE: this item is not mesh) - BERRY Jacket / Purple - find/buy red hearts - $15L
Eyes: IKON - Promise Eyes - Fjord (ML) - paid VIP group gift - free
Butterfly gem earrings: Zuri's @ Styles by Danielle - Butterly Dreams Amethyst/White Pearl Earrings - buy sign on wall (as you enter Zuri's jewelry section of Styles by Danielle) - free
Black gloves (gloves layer only; not mesh): Styles by Danielle - ~DANIELLE~ High Black gloves gift - buy giftbox in front center of gift table near lucky board - free
Pose: Tram - free poses - free
items from the Grumble subway rat hunt:
*NOTE: the Oh Rats! Subway Hunt takes you down into the subway build of the Grumble SIM. Walk down into the subway here, turn on a Windlight that allows you to easily see little white things (like the rats) + be sure to look in storage rooms, the tunnels, near lights -- anywhere a rat might hide!
Heart ring: Grumble - OHSH-14 - Skull heart ring-yellow - find/buy white rat - $1L
Bangles bracelets: Grumble - OHSH-10 - GG Womens GRAFFITI Bangles Express - find/buy white rat - $1L
Shelving unit shot:
Shelving unit: Grumble - OHSH-16 - find/buy white rat - $1L
Red platform shoes: G Field - *GF* 2013 Holiday Gift Pumps [Mesh] - buy sign on wall for $0L - free
Heart ring: Grumble - OHSH-14 - Skull heart ring-yellow - find/buy white rat - $1L
Steel planter (not mesh; mod/resizeable): GG Planter -spring mix - lucky chair prize - free
Items from BananaN (all free):
Paper boxes (many colors, mod/resizeable): Paperi boxes 1, 2 & 3 (a mix used here)
Candles: Moustache candles - boxed. BananaN
Dollies display case: Wall dollies_2prim
Teal cushion: Shroom seat3
Items from Add9 (all free):
Brown wicker picnic basket: +9 picnic basket - opened(rez me)
Cheesecake (in basket): +9 cheese souffle cake - hole(boxed)
Panda purse: +9 leather coin purse - Panda(spine)
Thermos: +9 juicy lunch box DX(boxed)wear me
Retro-print wooden stool: +9 wood stool - retro(rez me)no-anim
Bread: +9 plain bread 6 slices pack(rez me)