A warning about this tutu dress - the alpha didn't fit my shape at all so you may need to do some shape adjusting to make sure you're all covered. Time to dance off into the sunset with my darling Cap'n the Cactus!
Pose #1 and props - Vanity Poses @ The Thrift Shop So I Dance (75L)
Pose #2 - Mein Candy Corn - Close (Gacha at the candy fair not sure if still available)
Dress - Fo*Fun Pastel Dress (5L)
Shoes - Isis Bellic Ballet Shoe w Warmers (2L Two of a Kind hunt)
Cactus w hearts - Tenacio Cactus Love (0L - Giant wall of gifts!)
Hair - Ploom Squirrel Indecisive
Skin - Filthy Lola 3 (75L gacha)
Spinny Heart - Nore Spinny heart (0L)