If you want to be your own chocolate bunny you can grab this 5L bunny face makeup from RezIpsa Loc and their bodysuit/ears/tail combo is only 75L per color for Lazy Sunday. The bodysuit could easily be worn well past today. My glove layer French manicure is only 5L in the gacha at Wear Gray from RezIpsa Loc as well. My hair is a subscriber gift from Magika and it's adorable and mesh! The vast majority of viewers now have mesh capabilities so if you can't see mesh on your viewer don't be scared to experiment with others.
Bunny Face Makeup (5L), Bodysuit (75L today only): RezIpsa Loc
Glove Layer Nails: RezIpsa Loc @ Wear Gray, 5L
Hair: Magika, subscriber gift
Skin: Dekade
Here, have some freaking awesome music:
Happy holiday!