ღTeshan2222 Wycliffe
Hair: Truth - Bunny w/Roots - granny (NOTE: you get the color FATPACK as the gift!) - subscribo gift (subscribe, History, 1) - free
Baby bird basket (on hand): [EY:NO] - World Culture`s Easter Hunt (GIFT) - #25 WCEH - find/buy egg - $1L
Shoes: Python Shop - Boxset_PY_MetroFlying_Purple - lucky board prize - free
Tights: *VERSHE* - Random Tights: Hearts - included in subscribo fatpack tights gift - free
Head Easter basket: YUKI HOKI STYLES - YHS Easter Basket Set - group gift (join group for $0L; click sign behind counter) - free
Eyes: Mayfly - group gift (join group for $0L; touch sign) - free
Top: Gloxx Store - World Culture`s Easter Hunt - #37 WCEH - find/buy egg - $1L
Shorts: *COCO* - Gift-DenimShorts_Pants - group gift - free
Mouth carrot + bunneh in hand basket: Bella's Lullaby - BL Easter Gift (boxed) - group gift (join group for $0L; click sign on wall) - free
Darker hand eggs basket (w/ standing pose used in doughnuts shop shot): Olive Juice - Found One! (wear me) - subscribo gift - free
White hand eggs basket (w/ standing post used in grassy shot): Olive Juice - Olive Juice- Look at This Haul! (wear me to pose) - subscribo gift - free
Doughnut parfaits: Poche Sugar - Doughnut parfait Strawberry; Doughnut parfait Kiwi; Doughnut parfait Orange - buy from stand in front of Poche Doughnut Cafe (behind mainstore) - free