If you want to look this goofy and awesome check out the Anypose HUD. OK, well, maybe you don't want to look goofy. Maybe you just want to have your eyes look straight ahead without positioning some box and trying to focus on it or taking 12,000 photos until you get one that's looking forward. Well, this free HUD can do it for you! I was told about this HUD on Plurk and when I tried it I couldn't believe my eyes. Well, couldn't believe they were looking forward without any hassle, that is. I'm showing the HUD on my screen so you can get an idea of all the things it can do. You can alter hand position, facial expression and eye position. This is completely necessary for any blogger or anyone who takes photos regularly. I haven't been this excited about something in a long time. And it's freeeeeeee!

The gorgeous skin I am wearing is from Al Vulo and it's a group gift at the store. This store gives out regular gifts and they are always top notch. I am really loving their items so buy some stuff too while you're there to keep the gifts coming, haha. I took straight SL shots without editing them at all (other than a bit of vignette at the corners and a black frame and cropping, nothing that affects the actual product) so you can see how nice it is. :)
Skin: Al Vulo, group gift
Hair: Truth
HUD: Anypose @ Marketplace, free
Prim Lashes: Redgrave
Tattoo Lashes: Adore&Abhor (part of a pack)