Saturday, 9 April 2011


The very lovely Bluelili Gothly TP'd me to the lucky board at Nein and I realized we have never featured this store on F*S.  Nein carries casual, sexy-urban clothes for both men and women as well as has a Midnight Mania and Lucky Board for both genders, which gets big kudos from me for both generosity and equal billing.  I know there are 4 outfits on the women's lucky board and when I went back for a second look there were several people there, as there was the first time I visited, it gets it's fair share of action.  This is just one example of the outfits in the LB and it includes the jewelry shown, too!
Outfit: Nein: Engage - Black: Lucky Board Prize
Boots: J's: not free
Hair: Elikatira: Comfort: group gift (join free but so worth it)
Skin: Dutch Touch: Megan Cream: Group Discount item
Lip Colour: M.O.C.K:Luxe Lip Color (fhqwhads): Group gift (join fee for one of the most generous creators I've ever met)