Halloween is fast approaching and there are so many options for dress up. Here is a great witch look that you can pick up for next to nothing.
Shape: (census) Hagatha Shape: 0 L in the Witches Brew Hunt
Skin: Schismphrenic: Elphaba preview: 1 L
Hair: [CheerNo]: Femme Hair - Halloween: free
Dress: SySy's: Spiderdress: 0 or 1 L @ The Vertigo Graveyard. Several other dollarbies are available here! Head out from SySy's and you will soon see the graveyard.
Skull Bucket: Schadenfreude: 0 L (Allegory makes a different one every year and I love them. Anyone can touch them to get treats, many which are animated!)
Shoes: Katat0nik: Ruffle Witch Boots: I got them last year so probably not available.