Squeee! Spoiled, spoiled skin lovers, there's a new gifty in the subscribo at Mango, Mango! This one is called Beach and comes in the pale tone, sooo prettiiieee! I'm loving the eyeliner on this! Ahh beach, one last call before summer is over.

This gorgeous roomy, beautifully textured skybox is the NIAH hunt gift from A.D.D. Andel! I love the open concept, it's modern feel, the decos, and the floor to ceiling windows. Guess I should just say I love the whole thing! lol Only 27 prims of perfect to call your own. :D
P.S. Andel's redoing her ads for the store so don't be alarmed if it looks different, also if she's there say haiii!!
Skin - Mango, Mango! - Tap the subscribo and check the history, it's the most recent one.
Skybox - A.D.D. Andel! - NIAH hunt gift, look for a huge red kawaii-ish arrow 8D
Not Free
Hair - Curio