So, girls, are you for the sexy or for the cute part of you?

Lingerie:RunoRuno - Spring (free in store)
Slippers: Mochalucky board bear slippers
PS: I'mnot english so forgive me if some of my words arent clear. I wanna underline that I'm not showing a child avatar in lingerie, as someone might are thinking! I wanna make a CUTE-PURE-LIKE-ANGEL avvy (with bear slippers) that can be sensual with some lingerie (the runoruno one). I wanna add that I'm not a noob, I know all the rules of LL so I hope people that think wrong can forgive me.
Really? Are ya really showing a child avatar in lingerie?
naaaaaa I'mnot child!!! neither in world or in RL! I'm not showing a child avvy in lingerie!
noooooo she's saying she has a cutie doll-like av, but she's not a child. :)
I think there is a group in world for those of us who like our avi's to look small and doll-like, but keep being mistaken for child avs.
I have the same problem and it drives me nuts
aww creamy! rly? Couse for me is the first time, I think that it is clear that I'm nto a child! I mean, I'm a little doll style but I haveee booobbbbz lol ^^
btw, I hope my PS note can clear all those thing *______*
A good number of SL resident have no idea what the true shape of an Asian body type may look like; this ignorance can congeal with news media-sensational depictions of the sexualization of child avatars in SL. It can lead to accusations being flung at anyone who refuses to make his or her avatar 7 feet tall. By the way, I'd like to make the public aware that the true cause of global warming is probably short avatars in Second Life, and we need to do something hysterical about that soon as possible. Thank you. And, please make sure all windows and doors are locked. :)
Short avatars cause global warming? I thought they caused rising gas prices and hair loss.
I think your avi is adorable and not child-like ;D
OMG I didnt mean to make a public thing about this child or not! Btw, I think that: I'm not in SL for sex, I'm not in SL for being younger that my RL person... I think that a child avatar is an avatar that is exactly that: child: small yes, but not with all the adult attribute. And btw, I think we are making an huger stuff. I'm 22 in RL, and I dint have the need to make me younger in SL. I love fashion, I love all the kind of style, so that mean that I love even the lingerie. And that's, pardon, is not a crime I hope!
I second Creamy. I got kicked out from a mature rated club because my avatar was shorter than everyone else. Funny thing is, she's actually based on Real Life me, except she's actually TALLER!
That made me feel short. :(
For some reason in SL if you're not over 7 feet tall with huge thighs you're a child avatar. Makes no sense.
I've also been asked if I was supposed to be a child avatar just because I was short, slender and dressed girlishly. The temptation to ask 'DO YOU SEE MY BOOBS FILLING OUT THE FRONT OF MY CHARMING VICTORIAN DRESS HERE?' was strong - but wouldn't have been in character for a charming Victorian young lady.
I guessing that Mijn is *really* glad that everyone is focusing on, um, how fabulous THE LINGERIE is. Just an observation. Heh.
*that is one of the best lingerie ever* I feel a little bad couse I rly dindt want to make those conversations happen. Btw, I'll much more attention next time. Even If I continue to think that is absurde.
Mijn u look adorable ^.^
The lingerie is so cute i am going to get it yayz!
AND PS: there is NO WAY that u look like a child avie! A child has completely different body shape! Do not worry! U just look like a cute and NORMAL girl!
AND PPS: u do not have to explain urself to anyone. It is ur sl and u can be who u like! Do not worry!
ty for posting such a nice pic and luvly lingerie ^.^
long time reader and fan of this blog.. when I saw this photo I noticed the lingerie and the hair.. then the pretty skin. I want to go snag it too. Thank you for a great post.
in no way do I think you look like a child av.
awww *cry* for happy me! ty all for support me in this. I was sooo worrieeeed! Btw, Sylvia, the hair is from lamb. and I love so much them!!! and the skin if from the wonderfull store MY UGLYDOROTHY!
Mijn, you are absolutely adorable and I love everything you post! RunoRuno is one of my all time favorite places so I am running there to get the lingerie. <3
After being asked about this Avatar picture, I took the time to look at it and decide for myself. I am familiar with "petite asian" body style that is depicted by this avatar. However there are certain "body language" clues included which lead most people to see the image as that of a young and definitely underage child.
For example, the foot pose with toes turned in, is more indicative of an immature skeletal frame and often seen in the standing posture of young girls. As the female body matures, the hips widen and the foot position turns outward. Furthermore the hips themselves are very narrow, again indicative of an immature body.
I will not argue with Mijn's assertion that she is an adult of proper age, but her selection of AO, her slendering of the hips to an immature dimension and the "baby doll" like makeup all coincide to lead the casual viewer to "feel" as if they are looking at a child.
I realize that "baby doll" is a term which means "delicate and fragile", but it is also widely used as a term for exploitation of underage girls. It would be much less controversial if the avatar was posed in a more mature pose that left no question as to her "age".
to Darrius.
So I dint know there were analyst even in SL. Btw, angry or not to me, could someone took the decision? Becouse I'm not posting in a sex website, I'm not doing any porno-or-what thing, I'm only showing a free thing I found and that is my avatar, that is my way to be, RL and SL. So if I'm for I dont know way offend someone with that pic I'll delete this post. I found that discussion very sad, couse I think that the most important thing is the INTENTION. I'm not making this post for a porno things-sims-stuff-sites. Bha. Waiting for decision. Creamy, plz let me know*
Mijn, perhaps a middle ground would be best. I agree, the lingerie is very lovely. How about if you take a new picture with a different pose that looks like a woman and not a girl?
To be clear Mijn, I don't think you meant to offend anyone. It's obviously not an attempt to be sexual .. it just accidentally looks that way.
you know, some people actually look like that in real life.
twenty two year old people.
It doesn't matter at all, SL fashion bloggers are simply here to do just that, blog SL fashion as a hobby. It's like playing grown up dolls to us and there is nothing sexual in it at all. If certain people choose to see it as sexual then they should really be looking at their own faults.
We are all adults here and can look after ourselves, that is what's important.
Also, check out the rest of Runoruno's new releases, I'm in love with them alllll
we stand 100% behind Mijn and her post, and we wont have some twatwaffle psudeo interwebz shrink telling her what she can and cant post. This is OUR blog, with content created BY us for you to read, or not...whatever the case might be. It will be a cold day in hell before one of our hard working bloggers lets somone like you dictate how we pose, what our avatars must look like, or any other kind of bullshit censorship you try to put forth.
And to be honest, that fact that you read so much into a pose, even breaking down your thought process, says far more about you than it does about Mijn..follow me?
You can stop answering now, Mijn isnt changing the post kthnxbai.
Whoa .. umm .. Hi Ashia. My intent wasn't to "tell" anyone what they could or could not do. I was simply trying to help Mijn see why people were upset. Obviously she felt bad that people took her picture and avatar the wrong way, so I only wanted her to understand what about it made them think that way.
But, as you suggest (since I'm sure you wouldn't be telling me what to do as you feel that's wrong for anyone .. especially us twatwaffles to do), I'll shut up now and wander off.
She says it's not a kid av. I have seen her av in person, it is NOT a kid av. Quit trying to use poor Mijn's post as an excuse to bring up some sort of past vendetta against Creamy.
Well quite frankly, I love this picture and those who take offense to it need pull their heads out of their bums. It's second life, not real life. Who cares if it looks like a child, it's not a child. It's pixels. End of story. <3
Orly - Didn't know that but interesting. My advice is to file a complaint with Blogger.
I also pulled support of this blog from my own blog and from my new resident help packages in-world.
Cherry, lol, your blog is like the most important blog ever, and your influence in Second Life is MASSIVE. Please, reconsider!!
AHHHHHHH! OMG. This looks NOTHING like a child av. If it were a child av it would be chubby and short and wearing tons of bling and begging for money. Mijn does NOT have a child av, at all. I am starting to think there are like two SL people who are that bored they go around to blogs and start trouble because they have NOTHING better to do.
That doesn't look anything like a kid!
This "ZOMG CHILD AVI CALL THE POLICE" hysteria is, um, pathetic. Thank goodness my avi got tits, so as soon as I turn around to face someone they stop telling my I'm a child because I'm so short. ALSO, I do have a child avi as well. SO? It's a 12-year-old that would kick your arse if you crossed her, is that ebil, too? Pity I don't have a blog someone could then get all het up about and, um, not link to anymore.
Alyx Sands
FFS Orly, Creamy wanted to PROTECT the child in that plurk and get people to report the creep who posted the picture in the first place. You are either misinformed, maliciously distorting the truth, or just plain stupid.
Suri and Olivia's view of what is beautiful or pretty is different than Mijn's but that is why I LOVE having all the different voices posting on this blog.
There is nothing inappropriate about this blog post or picture for many reasons. 1) Mijn is NOT depicting a child in her avatar. She is depicting her adult self in an idealized way, just as most people in SL do. 2) The pose of the avatar has NOTHING to do with its apparent or intended age. 3) People are trolls and drama llamas who love to post comments in which they diss this blog in order to provoke reaction and gloat in the attention 5) "Cute" is an aesthetic which is common in RL art and fashion and it does not condone inappropriate sexual depictions of children 6) The avatar isn't even naked or put in a sexual context at all in the picture 7) In real life, Miley Cyrus's little sister and her little friend modeled clothing for a children's lingerie line on a European runway and in my opinion that is /much/ more offensive and inappropriate than even what people are accusing mijn of doing.
Children do not have breasts, whereas Mijn clearly does on that picture. That should in fact indicate to you that she is in fact an adult av.
As a fellow short avatar it doesn't matter what you look like people assume if you are short/petite you are a child avatar *NO MATTER WHAT*. I get it ALL the time. So when I saw this post I saw cute lingerie and asked myself "who made that hair?". Not anything like what you all are seeing in it.
Technically our avatars are dolls and if Mijn wants to make her avatar petite and doll-like that's her business.
I'm guessing the complainers about this post do not have children themselves. Being a mother of 2 daughters if anyone has should be concerned about this sort of thing it would be me, I take this subject very seriously.
For the record I have no issues with child avatars in Second Life, but I AM AGAINST them being used for sexual reasons and I would NOT allow anything dubious on my blog.
Mijn is an ADULT and her AVATAR IS AN ADULT!!
Go on and complain to Blogger all you like, I doubt they will find any fault with this either. They may have some issues with you posting IP addresses though Cherry - maybe you should check that out.
Orly, re. plurk, I have no idea what you are talking about, I do not have a child avatar. (Furthermore, I know who you are, please don't use Mijn's post for your personal vendetta against me)
Now Cherry and Orly, please move on and get your knickers in a twist somewhere else. Nothing else to see here.
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