Few gifts and a cheapie for you here! This silver dress is great for party-going and is a subscriber gift from Elate! I have a thing for silver (the color, not you Silver Milneux! Though you are pretty cute ;D) so I was very happy to see this land in my objects folder.

The skin I am wearing is another gift from Lara Skins! Quite the generous group I must say. I am loving the latest releases to bits!! And check this hair from Lamb....so cute and only 50L! I stuck the hair pin from Style Society's subscribo in there for a lil extra dizzle dazzle.

Elate!, subscribo gift
Lara Skins, group gift
Lamb, 50L Friday item
Hair Clip:
Style Society, subscribo gift
YS&YS, group gift (previously blogged)
The Lara Skin shop is open only to those with payment info. and age verification on file, so if you TP there and get ejected that is probably why. The group is easily found in search.
That's kind of lame about the store, what is the purpose?
I don't get it? Why is it for payment accounts only? AND age verification required?
That's sick.
And lame :/
I have never bought skin from there, propably never will now if I will get ejected for those reasons. Even though i AM age verified and have payment info on file, but I don't really see why?!
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