I don't usually wear clothes-less things, but I have a close friend who logs into my account to grab freebies that he likes, for me. Usually lingerie. He got the holiday gift lingerie from Blacklace for me, and I just found it in my inventory. When I tried it on(the ribbon pasties) I was like HELLO THIS LINGERIE IS KIND OF EXTREMELY REVEALING?!!?!!!!! and he was like ohhhh yeah i knew you would hate it okay fine just delete it :''''( great, I'm being trained to be a skank. <3 <3 So all credit for finding the Blacklace gift lingerie goes to Alan! Thanks. I guess. HAHA.
Also, I went back to Blacklace to get an exact slurl to the lingerie, but I couldn't find it. So I had to bother Sienna Bellios and ask her if the lingerie was still available, because I'd confused the TP point Christmas tree, with the Christmas tree at the holiday gift area. Sienna Bellios was really kind and showed me exactly where it was, even though it was just a freebie. Blacklace truly has pretty amazing customer service!

Lingerie: Candy Cane Hunt prize from Blacklace!
Hair: lamb!
Necklace: fairy tail group gift
Earrings: Kunstkammer gacha
Shoes: Stiletto Moody ankle boots, bought a loong time ago. now they're on group-only sale!

Lingerie: Likka*House, Candy Cane Hunt prize. Includes adorable little hat!
Snowflake for mouth: Whonose subscribo gift
Necklace: Shade Throne un necklace, first thing I ever bought on SL.
Hair: Free from LeeZu! (check the freebies area)

Lingerie: Blacklace's Naughty Little Gift. (exact surl here) Blacklace has a special holiday area out for the holiday gift as well as two special holiday lingerie items!
Hair: Tiny Bird "Looking for Astronauts" gift for What's New SL, if you got the gifts when Sileny blogged it, it'll be in your inventory. Beautiful hair!
White fur vest: SLC (was free with a bikini outfit, now I can't find it in the store argh. But they have other fur vests!)
Tartan hat: Perturb/ation, group gift
Bracelet: Mandala lotus
Hip piercing: Kiliebe

Naughty Santa pose(includes the bag prop!): 250L, M4rk3tt0 Bonetto, DMD poses. His profile is worth checking out, amazing photos in picks.
Alan's clothes are all from the Artilleri sale and his shoes from UBU.
My shoes are from R2, jewellery is the fairy tail group gift, gloves are part of another Blacklace lingerie set.
And here's a picture where I was wearing the Blacklace lingerie, but the photo didn't show the lingerie properly, so I had to take more photos. Alan bought the pose and he's starring as evil Santa, ahaha. Happy holidays, all! :) **edit. Thanks Green Dream, I removed my hints. :)
Don't mean to be a stick in the mud, but it says in the Candy Cane Hunt rules not to disclosed hunt locations:
1. Please do not disclose the location of the hunt item openly. If someone needs help or if you're in a group, kindly use private IM or friends conference, never local chat. (From the notecard.)
I would presume this includes blog posts. People can get hunt hints on their blog: http://candycanehunthints.blogspot.com/
The SLURL for the Blacklace Naughty Little gift is here:
Click the poster on the wall to "buy" it for 0L
Thanks for posting! :)
\o/ for undies and boobs! And again your pictures rock.
Hi Green Dream, thanks for letting me know! I'll edit the post. Sorry! :) Thanks very much for being kind about it. <3
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