There are many free/cheap items at Aqua all the time and with it being the holiday season there are even more! There is a new MM, a daily dollarbie for advent, and more! Good times.

This black sweater was out yesterday for 0L because of a previous MM goof up and I'm not sure if it is still there (I took these pictures last night assuming that I would post them then but I got distracted :P) but either way you should go to Aqua and get the above goodies and these 10L green cords!

Outfit1: subscriber gift
Outfit2: Free*Style group gift in notices
Outfit3: MM board prize
Outfit4: Today's daily dollarbie
Outfit5: Shirt (past freebie, might still be free) Pants(10L)
-All outfits by Aqua-
Hair: ChiChickie, subscriber gift
Skin: LeLutka for Le.Look, group gift (previously blogged)