Sunday, 6 September 2009

Subtleties of Summer Hunt- DO IT!!!

I mean it, don'tttt miss this hunt... It was put on by DahliaJames GossipGirl (owner of Doux Petit Dahl) to celebrate the opening of Subtle Creek Mall, and she landed some KILLER stores. It IS a gridwide, but there aren't a ton of stores (57 I believe) and none of the stores made it terribly hard. You can join the group "Subtle Hunts" for help and clues if you'd like. You're looking for a big swirly ice cream cone... yum! Here are some previews...

sos ducknipple

The outfit is from Ducknipple, shoes from [tny], bracelet is from Exodi (which had a bunch of different styles), and the skin is from tyranny (I'll do close ups of the skins later). The adorable wishing well behind me is the gift from The Sea Hole and has some really cute animated poses!

sos moddg

This A-freakin-dorable dress is from Modd.G

sos pr!tty

This outfit came from Pr!tty and included the dress, shoes, necklace and even some cute poses (yay!)

sos boom joy love cupcakes and poetry

Here we have a tank top from Boom, necklace from Cupcakes and Poetry, and skirt from Joy Love (it's SO colorful and cuteeee!)

sos oasis phoebe's

Another gift I found in the hunt that I love is from Oasis Furniture. Its a tree to lounge under with some really cute poses and falling leaves! The bikini is from Pheobe's and included matching sandals. The skin is an awesomely sunburnt skin that was specially made for this hunt by Loser Designs!

sos loser designs tyranny skins

Here are closeups of the skins by Loser Designs (left) and Tyranny (right). Also, the eyes in all of these pics are the prize from =Hoot=

sos doux petit skins

Here are closeups of the skins offered by Doux Petit Dahl, which came in ALL tones by the way! The makeup on the left was at their LeZoo location and the makeup on the right was at their mainstore at Subtle Creek Mall!

This is only a SAMPLING of the awesome gifts in this hunt! I can't stress it enough that there are so many more great gifts to be had and I wish I could fit them all! DO THIS HUNT... NOW! And while you're hunting, show some lovin to these creators because they REALLY gave us some FANTASTIC gifts! Ok, I'll stop yelling now :)

Happy Long Weekend if you've got one (like me, yay!)
<3, Cas

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