Wednesday 22 July 2009

A Bunch Good Stuff.

OK! Some nice, fun, colorful stuff for you on the way! You win!

First up, my friend Topaz (a.k.a.- Tazzy from The Sweet Side) has opened a store and since she shares my massive love of freebies and cheapies she has placed like ton of them out. Her store is called Tazzmania and the cute ice cream shirt below is either 1L or 2L. I'm telling you, there are a ton of things prices from 0L-10L so it is hard for me to keep them straight! In fact, everything in her store is 50L or less (excluding fat packs of course). And check out my cute jacket and hat!! Group gift from Avantmelon. Love them so much!!! OH and the newspaper print shirt? Lucky board prize from an awesome store called Cloe that Becca informed me of. Becca has all the infos. Seriously. She has like ten brains I think to store all the info she does.Cupcake Shirt: Tazzmania, free or 1L-2L
Skirt: Avantmelon, 25L I think
Newspaper Top and Music Undies: Cloe, lucky board prize
Jacket and Hat: Avantmelon, group gift
Skins: Sin Skins, 10L each
Hair: Glitter Hair, not free

Next up we have more goods from Tazzmania! The Have Mercy shirt with uncle Jesse of Full House fame cracks me up royally. And you have to love the cupcake hoodie! Too bad I got slapped in the face with a cupcake :OShirts: Tazzmania, free or 1L-2L ech
Pants: Mouse Trap, free
Skins: Sin Skins, 10L each

OH! There are matching cupcake shoes free too!Shoes: Tazzmania, free

And if cupcakes are not your thing and you are more into doughnuts, you can go back to Cloe and grab these earrings for only 3L for a set of three!!!!!! YAY! This store is seriously worming its way into my fave folder.Earrings: Cloe, 3L for a pack
Skin: Sin Skins, 10L

And if you don't have 3L or don't want to wait around for a lucky board, you can get this rainbow shirt for free! Yay! So cute. The idea bulb above my head is a hunt gift from Nushru @ the Lemania sim location.
Shirt: Cloe, free
Headband: Nushru, hunt gift
Skin: Sin Skins, 10L

Note: All skins from Sin Skins cost only 10L each!!!! The skins are awesome and have a wide variety of makeup and skin tone options. Each skin also comes with manicure and PRIM pubic hair options!! WEEE for fuzzy pubes.

Note 2: I can't seem to find the Nushru @ Lemania after I left o.O So the slurl is for the Nushru main store, there might be something in the subscribo about the location.

Note 3: If you want to see more goods from Cloe check the food blog HERE.

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