I'm probably dating myself here but when I was little I loved paper dolls. They required no electricity and I would spend hours quietly playing, hoping my little brother wouldn't find me and ruin my great time. My little brother is now a big Harley-boy and would still pick on me for playing dress-up on SL. Some things never change.
Speaking of change, one of my favorite stores, .::Stuff::., recently rebranded and changed it's name to paper.doll. Zoey Gabardini is the creator/owner of paper.doll and added a Lucky Board and has left generous gifts at the counter.

I cannot neglect to tell you about this fantastic free skin that Ashia tp'ed me to check out. It is at Vive9 and honey if you don't go there you must be cracked in the head. It's called ::LoveDOT:: Modelesque and is one of several skins in a white shopping bag. They are older released skins but they are new to me and will be well loved. This is an extremely generous gift. Thank you to BluAbyss Denimore, the creator, for sharing this!
Not Free Items:
Picture 1/3: Hair: ::AddiCt:: Solange - this is Kianna Noel's first hair. If this is any indication of her talent I will be coming back for more.
What effects do you use to get the photos like that?
Hi Ollie... this was a quicky. I used Picasa, which Ashia turned me on to, for my first round of editing, then just picnik'd them in flickr and threw a frame on.
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