First up, an outfit I am so in love with right now. This dress with matching hair piece and the bracelet as well are group gifts from Kyccie's. They bring me great joy with their fabulous textures and soft femininity. One might think I am some sort of girly girl if I wasn't wearing the group gift skin from Tacky Star and Hair from House of Munster. The skin and hair can be yours of you pay 50L to join the House of Munster update group and go click on some boxes with your group tag activated! YAY!

Skin: Tacky Star, HOM group gift
Hair: House of Munster, HOM group gift
Shape:Shape It Up!, lucky board prize
And you want MORE gifts for your 50L join fee you say? Well, you are a greedy jerk >:O But, you still get more anyway LOL. Rotten Toe has this SO FREAKING HOT rotted up corset for ya! Oh, and did I mention the House of Munster hair gift comes with several colors? You shall be seeing them throught this post :D OH and the hat is a DSN gift from Oddment...with brains on it :O With or without veil. And I added the Sanu tattoo gift for extra nipple-ness.

Corset: Rotten Toe, HOM group gift
Tattoo: Sanu gift
The outfit you see underneath the corset is one of the group gifts from Reasonable Desires for this month. I can't remember which is which, but one of these revealing numbers is a group gift and the other is a picks rewards gift. Either way, they are both hot and you want them for sexing up the bedroom and the beach.

First Shoes: First Flower, subscribo gift
Second Shoes: Heart and Sole @ Onyx Noir, free
On a less revealing note, I have two dresses to show you also. One is free from Caremnia, a store I had never been to until a birdy whispered it to me. I think the red and black is just fab! And the grey dress is from a store whose name I can't seem to figure out, so I will just refer to it as I showed some tights from there in a blog post before, but this dress was too cute not to show as well.

Right Dress w/leggings:, free
And finally, two dresses and some FOOD! Yes, I know, food in SL is pointless to many of you. But I have a thing for fake food to the point of starting an SL foods blog. When I was little and we went to the W.I.C. office to get milk and bread and whatnot (we were pretty poor :P) They had a fake glass of milk and I was like obsessed with it. Ever since, I've been fascinated. Even have a RL collection of tiny fake foods from the Puchi Petite Collection. But enough about that, haha. The red dress is one of the dresses you can win on the board at Encemble and the pink dress is a camping prize there. The Pocky sticks are a freebie there too! And the leek? The leek is special. Read more about it HERE. I'm in love with a leeeeeeek! Don't tell my husband :O

Leek: from Leek Island
Hey Sileny! I was noticing all the sudden traffic to our Who Let The Dorks Out blog, and had to come thank you! Isn't that leek made of awesome? I bought it way back when at Ducknipple and am SO glad its available to all for freeeee now! Cute post :)a
Haha! I love your blog, I got the cabbage avatar you posted a while ago too and love it!! Keep on rocking :D
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