The super adorable lingerie I'm wearing is the new freebie from Fishy Strawberry! They are one of my favorite stores so I get SO excited when I get a notice from them! They have this style in a bunch of different designs for just $130L so go swoop them up! The hair in this picture is a recent lucky chair win of mine from LoveKitty! I had never been there before tonight, but was drawn there by the ADORABLE kitty cars in their Midnight Mania. It was only 10 away from being full, but definitely go back tomorrow and hit it cause Ohmaigosh... My pose is the subscribo welcome gift from Pffiou so give that a tappy tap. And last but SOOOOO not least is the new Lucky Chair skin from Atomic!

There are a gillion and a half people waiting for this skin at any given time. The owner has asked that if the Atomic sim is full or has a very large crowd to please come back later so we don't hurt the sales of her store or the others on the sim. She has said that the chair is not going anywhere as long as everyone remains calm so lets remember to be curteous to each other! I'd hate for her to be getting complaints about the behavior of my fellow Chair lovers and take it out! Please be nice to each other and use the time that you're waiting to cam around and support an amazing store! *I can feel the love already*
Have an amazing weekend, I'm off to the opening of Sileny's store Shape it up! (shameless plug, idc!) *besitos* Casia
You couldn't say that about the SF weather last weekend!
True! But it's so chilly here now that I've already forgotten about that :P
*the bowl of ice cream i justttt ate doesn't help either! haha*
i love autumn here! nice and warm :)
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